Re: help with imagemagik/xcgallery

Have a look at this post it has some guidance:
old post about images

But you probably dont need to install it, most hosts have it installed.

If you are using cpanel you can check to see which one is installed by going to the left side menu and clicking on "installed perl scripts".

The path to ImageMagick , if you have it will be something lile "/usr/local/bin/convert" or /usr/local/bin/.

The link with the good info is:

Re: Make backend.php pretty with CSS and/or XSL

Not sure if this helps but last week I came across this site for displaying feeds:
Build a theme you can cut and paste

I have one example going on one test page

yep I know the feed isnct coming out of a XOOPS site, but its still RSS. I did a trial with this pages backend and it works fine. Also you can play with the theme in the Styles page.


Re: Chatroom?

Is it possible to "detach" the chatroom? so people can use the chat as they are looking at different areas on the site.

I used it and it was great. I had it so it would open in a new window, but a tip is on that page dont have anything like menus or other module blocks. If users decide to go exploring from the chat page, they can get locked out - in that they leave without logging out and when they try to renter the get - nope username is already logged in. There is also a hack around that displays who is chatting on this site as well.

#1 Fan of Brash
Whats going on here - I have been away a week and theres a fanclub - do you know he has a subaroo

Re: How to remove news read counts?

first off you need to clone your template. In your new one go to News - news_item.html
Delete this line
(<{$story.hits}> <{$lang_reads}>)

In System Admin - Preferences - General Settings make sure you change to this template to the new one and have
"Update module template" as Yes

Re: db leftovers

thanks for that

db leftovers

while answering the last post I was looking at my DB Structure and noticed I have some leftovers from modules I have trialled. In phpmyadmin can I actually delete (drop)these without affecting anything.

xoops_ipb_emoticons ((from Invisionboard trial)

xoops_marquee (from marquee)

xoops_freecontent_newsticker (from freecontent)

thank Pete

Re: Any help with moving site to new host?

This may help
Moving host posts

But from my limited knowledge after restorin my system a couple of times: open your DB in wordpad or similiar - and copy all.
On your host create a DB then go to PHPMYADMIN (if you have it. The DB title should be in the left column, click on it and in the main panel select SQL. In the first box paste your copy of the DB. Hit Go and wait awhile.
No idea if this is the correct way, but it has restored my site a few times.
If you are using a Plesk Server and this doesnt work, give me a yell, I think I have a guide
all help short of actual assistance

Re: Can someone explain these GD 2, ImageMagick and Netpbm

This link may explain it a little bit more. But simply it is the way your images are thumbnailed and stuff.http://forums.hostdime.com/showthread.php?t=2091&highlight=NETPBM

I had no idea when I set up my site so I used myalbum as it could use GD. I decided to chace it down the other day and switched to image majick - much better - then went to xcgal. it is better to use Quote:
Imagemagic or Netpbm

The best way to find out is ask your host. They will provide the path to put in whatever gallery you use.
I actually trialled XOOPS gallery because when you set it up you can get it to check the correct path.
If your host provides the path and it doesnt work - ad or delete the convert bit.
If you are using cpanel you can check to see which one is installed by going to the left side menu and clicking on "installed perl scripts".

So when do we see this site!

Re: How to convince users to migrate from a yahoo group to xoops?

I have also found a conversion tool to transfer yahoo to PHPBB forums The tool is at

Maybe then convert to newbb, It may save you some time, but I havnt used it.

How to Clean Up My Database

Could anyone tell me a really "simple mans guide" to clean up my database. I use Cpanel and have access to Phpmyadmin.

Over the last month I have done the following and I would like to tidy everything up before I do anything.

1. Attempted three unsuccessful upgrades to Newbb2 Bug Report

2. In frustration successfully checked to see if I could load IPBB, then uninstalled (post 2nd newbb upgrade attempt). After more frustration decided to go to IPBB (after 3rd newbb upgrade) but cant recognise XOOPS login because of old tables from first install. (I know this is a IPBB forum item - but just tryingto explain background)

3. Trialled XCgallery and xoopsgallery, a few times - will be okay now because hosts has provided correct path ti imagemajick.

So I think it would be good to clean up before doing anything (assumption). Not frustrated anymore, still like my xoops.


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