Can someone explain these GD 2, ImageMagick and Netpbm

I have been looking into image album blocks after having some difficulties with My Album. There is a refence to "GD" which I don't fully understand so I searched this term.
1. I gather GD is a program that creates thumbs from photo's for us - but I have no idea how to identify if it or Imagemagic or Netpbm are installed - I know I haven't done it...How can I find out?

2. It appears from discussions that the latter may be better than GD2. Is this true?

TIA...a tad bewildered!

Re: Can someone explain these GD 2, ImageMagick and Netpbm

This link may explain it a little bit more. But simply it is the way your images are thumbnailed and stuff.http://forums.hostdime.com/showthread.php?t=2091&highlight=NETPBM

I had no idea when I set up my site so I used myalbum as it could use GD. I decided to chace it down the other day and switched to image majick - much better - then went to xcgal. it is better to use Quote:
Imagemagic or Netpbm

The best way to find out is ask your host. They will provide the path to put in whatever gallery you use.
I actually trialled XOOPS gallery because when you set it up you can get it to check the correct path.
If your host provides the path and it doesnt work - ad or delete the convert bit.
If you are using cpanel you can check to see which one is installed by going to the left side menu and clicking on "installed perl scripts".

So when do we see this site!

Re: Can someone explain these GD 2, ImageMagick and Netpbm

If you are using cpanel you can check to see which one is installed by going to the left side menu and clicking on "installed perl scripts".

So when do we see this site!

Thank you so much for your answer...I have installed and am trying xcgal since I had probs with my album and no-one could answer my question. I must admit I think I am going to love it...I had to stop playing with it last night tho as my kids wanted a turm on the net....

When will you see this site? Soon I guess...once i have at least 1 each of the module content - tips and tricks, a classroom, dictionary entries, a tutorial, and the album. Hopefully in the next week or 2. Content is on my hard drive - just need to get it all in the right place. Am also waiting the release of the new BB.


Re: Can someone explain these GD 2, ImageMagick and Netpbm
  • 2004/11/17 20:21

  • tedsmith

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1151

  • Since: 2004/6/2 1

Up until recently, I too was a little bewildered.

In my case, I have two instances of MyAlbum for two seperate tpyes of reporting. I didn't realise it, but I'd set one to use GD and the other to use ImageMagik. The one using GD had appauling thumbs, while the one using ImageMagik was as sharp as a nail.

Once I changed the other instance of MyAlbum to use ImageMagik and rebuilt the thumbs, it was great.

Regarding the 'path' to imagemagik. I too wanted to knwo this and did ask my host. They told me there is no such 'path' - you just tell your system to use it and it automatically calls ImageMAgik from the server. In my case, in the settings of MyAlbum, I just told it to use ImageMagik instead of GD and it worked.

Re: Can someone explain these GD 2, ImageMagick and Netpbm

hey thanks - I might just try that!


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