Re: How to create a module?

So far http://modules.xoops2.com is the place to work from

We in the XOOPS module developing group are working on a set of requirements to be met to get the "Official XOOPS Module Certification". Among those requirements will be the use of existing objects, SMARTY templates, Notification and Preferences - where this is an advantage, of courrse.

The set of requirements is not done yet, and we'll also need to setup a group of module testers/reviewers for the certification - Catzwolf is the leader of the module development and can give more information as and when it is available (as well as correct me, where I made a blooper )

Re: In need of some PHP Script help!!!!!!!

instead of
$dbname "thisgene_sitearticles";            // Place the database name here
$tablename "encounters";                // Table name here

$dbconnect mysql_connect ("localhost""thisgene_porter",
"password") or die(mysql_error());

$db = @mysql_select_db($dbname$dbconnect);

$sql "INSERT INTO $tablename (script_title, script, content_title, content) VALUES
$_POST[script_title]', '$_POST[script]', '$_POST[content_title]',

$result = @mysql_querry($sql$dbconnect) or die(mysql_error());


try this:
$sql "INSERT INTO ".$xoopsDB->prefix("encounters")." (script_title, script, content_title, content) VALUES
$_POST[script_title]', '$_POST[script]', '$_POST[content_title]',

$result $xoopsDB->query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

There is a database class and object ready to use - might as well use that

If it ain't working, try enabling first PHP debug and if no errors, then MySQL debug and see, where the problem is


Re: Free hosting

Lycos should be capable, albeit pretty slow.

Re: adding modules to my xoops?

Administration Menu -> System Admin -> Preferences -> General Preferences -> Set start page to the module of your choice

Re: How to output an Install message?

Would indeed be nice with the possibility of displaying a readme text after install/update of a module... XOOPS Devs?

Re: Date & Time displayed in realtime?

you mean like a clock going up? Or just a "Time is now: "

If it's the latter, check out http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.datetime.php

Re: How to start with this web site

When working with modules in XOOPS, it is very helpful to have a good knowledge of PHP, SQL and Object Oriented programming.

If you have that, just take another module (WFSections has been brought forward as a good sample module) and see, how things work there. Then just take the bits you need ("How to ensure only users can see the page", "How to call the database") and modify the module to do, what you want it to do.

is this helping you? Otherwise explain a bit more (please with full sentences ) and we'll see if we can help you further.

Edit: And double posting != double reply - you'll just get the same reply twice

Re: In need of some PHP Script help!!!!!!!

See, it wasn't all that hard

Sorry for not helping you, but missed your post in the day it was up before you had it figured out.

For future problems, I'd recommend looking in the php manual. It has helped me a LOT and is found on http://www.php.net

If you are stuck still after searching the manual, by all means ask us But give us a bit of time to reply. If you also have a test site where we can see the form or how the problem looks, it's usually a great help.

Good luck forward

Re: e-xoops to xoops2

What do you have in e-xoops? I mean forums and other modules? How much information do you need to move?

I have tried going from e-xoops 1.3 to xoops2 with few problems - but I first copied the database from e-xoops to the same database as xoops2. Then I made little script, which took the information from the e-xoops tables and put it in the xoops2 tables - most fields were the same, with some minor differences.

Re: Some help with xoops

go to Admin Menu -> System -> Groups -> Anonymous Users -> Check the modules and blocks you want to be available to Anon users.

With regard to the blocks, just stay at the top page and find the block you want to display on other module pages than the top and click "Edit" - there is a multi-select box for selecting the modules, where this block should be displayed.

Hope this is what you were looking for


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