Re: xoopsgallery upgrade errors

Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in /home/7305595285/www/web/modules/xoopsgallery/check_init.php on line 32

From the bottom of the check_imagemagick.php result page:

If it mentions open_basedir then it's because your system is configured with open_basedir enabled. You should talk to your system administrator about this, or see the Gallery Help Page

This lead me to the following FAQ on the Gallery website.

Gallery c.27 - Why do I get errors like this: Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in /home/johndoe/public_html/gallery/platform/fs_unix.php on line 53?

Answer: This is caused by a PHP directive called open_basedir. Basically, your host has mis-configured this directive and not added the directory where Gallery is to the allowed directories where PHP can access and modify files. You'll need to contact them and ask them to add the directory where you website files are located.

I hope this helps.

Inventory Module (specifically realestate) Needed

Does anyone have or know of a module for displaying an inventory?

I'm beginging to work on a site for a friend that is in realestate. He wants to be able to publish his property listings. With where I am at the moment, I want to do this from within a XOOPS framework.

I have in mind a module that will start specific to Realestate but be more flexible to generically handle inventory listings... (I don't want to have to change the code everytime he wants to add a new "attribute" to describe the listings. So, I invision something pretty generic.)

Any thoughts/suggestions/encouragement is greatly appreciated.

XML Classes

Are there any classes in the XOOPS Core for manipulating (parsing/generating) XML documents?

Re: Gallery with working Xoops search?

I can't speak to anything related to a new gallery module. But as far as XG1.3.3.3 goes, I'd suggest the following:

1) Take a look at www.xoopsgallery.org. This is a site for specific help on XoopsGallery and to submit and track bug and feature requests.

2) Integrating the gallery search into the XOOPS search won't be a particularly easy or quick process. The problem is b/c the XOOPS search looks for information that is stored in the database. All of the gallery descriptions/captions/etc are stored in files as part of the base mechanism used by Gallery.

That being said there are some other requests on the XoopsGallery that speak to this dualality/problem/need.

Edit: By the way, what data are you interested in using for the searches? I haven't tried to use the search built into Gallery...

Re: Error: Could not open lock file

FYI -- I'm using XoopsGallery and XOOPS 2.05 w/o any problems.

Mabey I'm a bit slow today, but can you please summarize what problem you are having... Is it still the flock issue? Or is it a problem w/ the image manipulation libraries? Or both? Or ???

Re: Xoops DHTML drop down menus

Accessing the Number of PM's etc was addressed in another thread today...


Jace303 posted the following code snippet that can be pasted into the smarty template file to lookup the info that is not normally passed to the main theme file WITHOUT having to hack the core file.

(This type of thing probally needs to get added to the documentation somewhere... if it's not there already.. I need to go look... :)

$pm_handler =& xoops_gethandler('privmessage');
$uid $xoopsUser->getVar('uid');
$criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('read_msg'0));
$criteria->add(new Criteria('to_userid'$uid));
$msgcount $pm_handler->getCount($criteria);

$msgcount 0}>
class="highlight" href="<{$xoops_url}>/viewpmsg.php">Inbox (<span style="color:#ff0000; font-weight: bold;"><{$msgcount}></span>)</a>
a href="<{$xoops_url}>/viewpmsg.php">Inbox</a>

Re: Pical vs. Agendax

Note: someone with pratical experience can/should speak up too.

I am planing to use categories to break events down by groups w/i an organization. (The site I'm planing will be for a church group.) For Example: the youth group, the retired/"Golden Years" group, the church leaders, various fellowship groups -- all would have seperate blocks/categories of events that apply to them. But it is also important to be able to get a "All" overview to help eliminate conflicts, etc.

That is how I forsee using categories w/i the calendar.

Re: XoopsGallery Fixes.. Recent Comments Link, New Pics Block showing thumbnail, etc...

the image is there.. it's size is just set to height=0 width=0

<a href="http://www.sprintboat.org/modules/xoopsgallery/view_photo.php?xoops_imageid=2828&amp;set_albumName=roosters&amp;id=P6140313"><img src="http://www.sprintboat.org/modules/xoopsgallery/cache/albums/roosters/P6140313.thumb.jpg" width="0" height="0" alt="" /></a>

I'm not sure if this picture has something bad in the database or if you are overriding the size settings somewhere...

Re: Main Menu

If I understand your question... that's what the "weight" column in the block admin is for.. the higher the number, the lower the priority and lower on the page the block will be displayed...

Re: Main Menu


jad2000 wrote:
Also how do I move menu's up and down? Like if I were to want to move the user menu up how would I do that? Thanks.

this is done for dynamic entries by adjusting the relative "order" of a given module on the module admin page...

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