Re: Porting DevCounter from Berlios
  • 2004/12/29 22:03

  • intel352

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/11/23

something along those lines would definitely be included with XoopsLance.

Re: How far can Xoops themes and templates customizing really go?
  • 2004/12/21 16:50

  • intel352

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/11/23

i've always quite liked this design:

as for modifying user/main menu blocks, well, i think anyone that has the tabmod installed has essentially been able to walk away from the standard main menu (since all their links can now be browsed horizontally)

Re: Homepage (personal editable page) for each user or user group
  • 2004/12/21 16:44

  • intel352

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/11/23

i do remember that when i started the user pages project, mith messaged me with the suggestion that his classroom module might suffice as a base. so that might very likely meet your needs

Re: Individual blocks for each category, Possible?
  • 2004/12/21 14:42

  • intel352

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/11/23

okay, so then, what you're needing is essentially what i've created with the multisites mod & the wfdownloads mod (where i can assign categories/downloads to certain sites), but you want that functionality in a *single* website.

well, with my SID modifications, that could already be done, but in your case, instead of standing for 'Site ID', it'd be more like 'Section ID'. semantics..

in one variation of my site modifications, i have a 'site_register' table, which holds information regarding each site and it's details. well, we could do something similar, having a section registry, where global sections are defined, and then within each module (with modifications) you would be able to assign content either to a certain section, or globally.

i haven't messed with the ability to select "some but not all" sites/sections yet, to keep things simple for now.

i'll see if i can implement the site/section mod in a fresh install of xoops. i've got quite a few other projects going on, ehehe, but this has me intrigued, and i'm thinking this could benefit the multisites mod as well.

anyone have any module requests that i should mod as well? i won't do many, but i'll include the wfdownloads module, and i could maybe do AMS (depending on how complicated that would be). it was fairly simple with wf-downloads, since it used some XOOPS core functions for displaying categories, so i just needed to modify the core functions and implement a couple of small changes to the module.

Re: Homepage (personal editable page) for each user or user group
  • 2004/12/21 12:44

  • intel352

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/11/23

also check drupal, it has per-user blogs and whatnot, i believe it can process html. i just looked at it yesterday, not bad, a bit too much administration for my tastes tho

Re: Individual blocks for each category, Possible?
  • 2004/12/20 21:33

  • intel352

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/11/23

tzvook, what are some of the CMSes that you've used, that have this method of content flow?

maybe Drupal, Mambo?

i'd like to take a look at the ways another cms implements what you guys need, which is why i ask.

Re: Individual blocks for each category, Possible?
  • 2004/12/20 19:48

  • intel352

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/11/23


tzvook wrote:
yep Wheeler
This " Multi-Sites " is a great mod/functionality and I'm planning to use it in the future, but it's not answering on the need of one site (not a site network) with it's modules that need to have a few pages that includes categories from different modules (especially forum, news, links, one of the galleries, articles) - meaning: a site which show it's content by subjects/categories/groups or whatever you call it, and not by modules.
I'm going to try to find a way for modules to get a category content in a separate block ...

tzvook, could you provide more examples of what you are looking for? i'm having trouble visualizing what you're saying.

Re: Bragging about my multisite modifications :-)
  • 2004/12/20 17:19

  • intel352

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/11/23


Wheeler wrote:
If a module is installed across the whole network, you could put menu in theme or use a custom block/module to display main menus, thus showing subject content.

Although your plans will help to divide content to categories, I feel your '3rd thought' as you build this should be categories/subject management. My main site is the main menu with all recent content, sub-sites hold category content.

I will invite people over from this thread who may have interest here.

using site id, we can limit content to specific sites. so, with a further modification (an additional option per site, maybe), could pull *all* content, or certain categories. it could be an override over the content's individual site association.

Re: Bragging about my multisite modifications :-)
  • 2004/12/20 12:50

  • intel352

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/11/23

at it's current state, each site is a constant clone of the next, i.e.- all sites are the same, except for things like url, theme, meta tags, sitename, etc etc.

but, in spite of each site having the exact same set of modules, exact same data, etc, if i implement small modifications in the modules, then each site can have it's own unique data in the modified modules, such as what i described with wf-downloads

the next step, is i need to work up a way for each site to be able to hide installed modules. currently, if you install a module (on any site), it's installed on ALL sites. i just need a few more modifications, so that if a site doesn't need some modules, then the modules are just hidden, so sites could then be unique concerning what they have visibly accessible (you may not want a news or forum module on all sites).

as for easy creation of sites, that will just require a script, and all each site will need is a mainfile.php & it's specific entries in the config table. i'll be working that part out soon.

for allowing users to easily create a site, yes, i believe that could be done, and you could use my xDonations module to auto-add them to a group (upon donation) that will give them access to create/manage their own site, and yes, sending a mail would be a menial task.

Re: Bragging about my multisite modifications :-)
  • 2004/12/20 6:40

  • intel352

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/11/23


okay, i'm developing multisites with 2 main thoughts:

1. a site admin would want this capability, to easily clone sites and reduce administration worries

2. each site wouldn't necessarily need unique data, so in my own use, i'm implementing small modifications to modules and their database tables, referencing a 'sid' value (site id), the site id is defined in each site's mainfile.

when i originally developed my multisite mod, i followed the same line of thinking that already existed, which meant that a ton of database tables were getting replicated, which in practice, seemed a bit useless to me. i also still had the same problems with administrating multiple sites, since in many ways, the sites were still separate.

well, now i have ALL tables uniformly shared (except for the sessions table. i need to make a slight mod to that, to use the 'sid' value, and i'll be good to go). i even have the config tables shared, and xoops_config has a new conf_sid value, so that certain entries can be assigned to certain sites.

the only implementation of conf_sid that i have in place at the moment, is a mod so that any value with conf_catid 1 or 3, pulls data specific to it's own site (so, i can have sites with different settings for site name, theme, etc, and also the site's meta settings)

this greatly eases module and site administration, as i'm now able to change something like user settings, and it take effect across all sites.

also, i can now install a module on one site, and it'll install across all sites (and eventually, i'll implement the sid mod further, so that i can install modules individually on certain sites)

another area this is useful in, i've modified wf-downloads and a few core XOOPS functions, to use sid when necessary. so, for wf-downloads frontend, i have downloads and/or categories only show to the users for it's associated site, yet from the backend, i can manage all downloads for any site.

very nice

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