More wide - every WoX will publish deep review of one famous module
I don't think it as to be particulairy a famous or most favorite module. These modules are mostly known by the community. I'd like to see reviews of less popular/used modules. Most of the time these modules are less popular or used because nobody seems t know what the module can do or how to use.
I am sure there are some modules which are very good but don't get the recognition yet.
Indeed RM has some great modules. Pitty is that some of the things are hardcoded and spanisch (portuguese?) language shows up.
For me it is like reading chinese. But yeah, I like their modules.
Second: Why not write some guidelines within the WOX considering modules information as soon as they're launched within the news.
- compatible with which XOOPS versions
- compatible with which php-versions?
- What does the module do and or what is the meaning for use best?