ClassmateDirect.com: Maximize Your Ad Revenue with Xoops Model Layout

teacherma  04-Sep-2011 22:52 328 Reads   No comments 
The ad revenue almost doubled after changing the layout of our website. Here are some tips to share with Xoops community. If you are building a website with Xoops, here are the lookouts.

1. Dynamic content websites do not like embedded ads. Xoops is a CMS. The search robots don't like content changed so often. Therefore you should place your advertisement at the highest hierarchies as possible.

2. No one likes to go to your website and see text advertisement without any images. It's plain and simple. The Xoops Gallery module provides super flexibilities on managing your site visual arts. That makes it easy to creating an attractive website.

3. Don't be afraid to put more advertisement on your website. Your traffic actually love advertisement because people go to your website also are looking for alternative but related contents.

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