A lot of my visitors are young-ones who don't have a mastercard, so the use of paypal was out of the question. I wanted to control the whole registrering part.
The standard registering.php has been renamed and replaced by a formmail in which ppl can ask for a registereduser ship. After they have paid The admins go to the renamed (therefore only for them reachable) xoopsregistering form and register the new user. During this proces the account will automaticly be activated. Normally the user will not receive an automatic send out email of this registering procedure (xoops doesn't have this option). Therefore I've changed some code so the user gets an Email of its approval and gets informed they have officially been registered. These users belong automaticly to the standard group of registered users.
After a year, when the user doesn't prolongate his subscription, they will be moved over to another group 'deactivated users'. This group won't be able to reach the website and userfeatures with the exception of a block with the msgs their account(s) have been deactivated... with a log out link (otherwise they won't be able to visit the site as a guest) and a link to a special contactform to make a request to prolongate their subscription. The paymentprocedure will be the same. Since the UID isn't changeable this subscriptionnumber is a very important part.
Other used modules (which are all somehow adjusted) are:
myalbum-p, soapbox, smartsection (1.03) and 2 clones of it, addresses, books (a dirty rewrite hack of the addresses module) ExtCal, some own made kind of 'mypage' modules to implement my own stuff, Edito, Wiwimod and offcourse Hervé's newsmodule.
The used theme is a revision of an originaly by aston themes provided Aston_Red theme.
I know, there is a lot that still has to be done. But hey isn't that what a website has to be?!
Grtz., Shine