We are using AMS(What a GREAT package!), WF-Sections, RSS feed module, webBlog and a very few others, like Protector(Which seems to have saved our bacon, recently), Backup, Optimizer, WebStats, ArchContact and some more. Also Zaja-System with a new logo. Goran never fails. Never.
In the future, we look forward to monitizing the operation, so we can contribute to the Xoops Project, AMS, WF and others, not only with money, but with Francis' knowledge of how news and news reporting systems work in the real world, so those who write content reporting modules may add improvements to their modules that will attract users from a more professionally-oriented news background.
None of this was Rocket Science. Xoops makes this incredibly easy. Remarkably easy, with no loss of powerful features.
Oh, and Koivi Editor? Francis says that it is the best editor he has used on any news system. High praise, that.
Thanks to all. Through your hard work, you made
worldnewstrust.org possible.