
CSS eXample theme for eXercises

studioC  21-Mar-2004 09:24 5258 Reads   3 Comment(s) 
For those who don't want to register, use xoops:xoops for LOGIN

This is NOT the theme which you can plug and play. You may think how to organize themestructure with content, blocks are not arranged as usual.

This is NOT the theme which is said to be 100%. So, still remember that it is first experience to bring things like positioning with css, "readable" code and such things in combination with xoops. Theme.html itself uses only css for positioning but there still are templatefiles which use tables for layout things..

This is NOT the theme which is complete with all modulfiles. It's basic theme and css file with the including blocks, you may use it with default templateset so i added default's table classes within css, but you may have to look at some tables width as every webmaster would do !

I WILL edit parts of possible goingons with this theme like "How to change block appearance" or "How to change e.g. forums appearance" if there is the need!

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