Published Title Hits
05-Aug-2007 15:55 xoops.me.uk 4658
15-Jan-2007 18:16 XOOPS Site of the Month 4735
02-Nov-2006 20:49 Voting October XOOPS Site of the month 6632
30-Oct-2006 17:26 site of the month september 2006 6209
19-Oct-2006 20:34 POLL: what about other XOOPS users? 6085
03-Oct-2006 19:30 The Voting - Site of the month September 5177
30-Sep-2006 19:28 XSOTM :: Xoops Site of the Month August 2006 - The winner 4810
02-Sep-2006 18:27 XSOTM :: Xoops Site of the Month August 2006 - VOTING 4403
27-Aug-2006 18:47 The Winner of XOOPS Site of the month July 2006 5975
02-Aug-2006 20:00 XOOPS Site of the month contest July 2006 6052
05-Jul-2006 20:11 Xoops Site of the Month June 2006 - VOTING 4688
26-Jun-2006 18:18 Xoops Site of the Month Results May 2006 5815
03-Jun-2006 07:59 Xoops Site of the Month May 2006 - VOTING 5725
01-May-2006 20:26 xoops site of the month - voting April 2006 is open NOW 4836
26-Apr-2006 20:28 xoops Site of the Month March 2006 5536
15-Apr-2006 09:38 xoopsfactory 4299
02-Apr-2006 17:38 Voting for month march 2006 has opened on xoopsfactory 4310
26-Mar-2006 11:19 XOOPS Site of the month award February - The Winner 6803
02-Mar-2006 11:36 XSOTM - February Voting - thumbs are up 4485
26-Feb-2006 19:36 XOOPS Site of the Month January 2006 4204
01-Feb-2006 19:05 xoops -+site of the month january 2006+- is OPEN NOW 5368
25-Jan-2006 20:27 Xoops Site of the Month December 2005 6046
04-Jan-2006 15:46 Xoops site of te month - Voting Form for the Month December is OPEN NOW 5342
26-Dec-2005 10:06 Site of the Month - The Results of Month November 2005 4284
03-Dec-2005 09:02 Xoops Site of the Month November 2005 9026
25-Nov-2005 13:58 Site of the month October 2005 - the results 9780
05-Nov-2005 11:06 VOTING is open for Site of the Month October 5068
28-Oct-2005 16:55 Site of the Month - The Results of Month September 2005 5532
02-Sep-2005 17:09 http://xoopsfactory.com - XSOTM - XOOPS-Site of the month- VOTING IS OPEN 6122
13-Aug-2005 18:00 http://xoopsfactory.com - xoops-site-of-the-month-contest starting NOW! 3935
30-Jul-2005 10:30 describe your experiences with xoops and what you love most ... 3864
16-Jul-2005 20:17 http://xoopsfactory.com - english content - 3357
03-Jun-2005 03:00 http://xoopsfactory.de - 2end anniversary 3507
26-May-2005 09:00 http://xoopsfactory.de 3760
03-May-2005 10:10 http://www.hommingberger-forelle.de 4056
27-Apr-2005 13:37 http://hommingberger-forelle.de 3568
05-Feb-2005 12:50 http://foglio.de -alive and online!- 3742
19-Sep-2004 08:53 http://hokamp.info - come and visit me ! 3788
08-Jun-2004 15:53 first version is online! 1971
18-Feb-2004 18:40 StudioCreativ.de runs xoops 2.0.6 1432
Total items: 40 Total hits: 198985
Published Title Hits
24-Feb-2007 13:11 xf_hokamp_2007_blue 6091
14-May-2006 20:10 CSS theme: xf_openWeb 6295
01-May-2006 19:45 xf-April CSS theme 5877
21-Apr-2006 17:22 CSS theme xf_YelloW_C 6722
17-Apr-2006 15:37 xf_greenGrass 4835
15-Apr-2006 19:58 css theme xf_myxoops 5023
05-Apr-2006 19:10 xf_GeminiBlue 5182
11-Mar-2006 18:59 CSS theme xf 2Col blue grey 7522
11-Mar-2006 18:56 CSS theme xf_colourRed 4914
16-Feb-2006 20:38 xf_colourBlue 6092
30-Dec-2005 11:48 xf orange grey 8455
18-Dec-2005 09:24 xoops fatory xf_blue_grey_V1 CSS theme 6759
25-Jun-2005 11:03 http://xoopsfactory.de - xf_2005_basic full width 4781
12-Jun-2005 10:11 http://xoopsfactory.de - xf_2005_basic centered 5518
04-Feb-2005 12:38 theme xf_commerce from xoopsfactory.de on it's way 4954
20-Jan-2005 17:33 xf_pleasure_blue (beta) - blue version - 5472
16-Jan-2005 14:00 xf_pleasure (beta) 4347
23-Nov-2004 18:34 download theme studioc_2005 and + howto doc of this theme 10088
21-Mar-2004 09:24 CSS eXample theme for eXercises 5248
28-Feb-2004 08:10 CSS Experiments using XOOPS 6281
Total items: 20 Total hits: 120456
Published Title Hits
17-Jun-2006 08:18 newbbdots_1_0 5534
09-Apr-2005 17:40 http://xoopsfactory.de :: xf_newsmod_blocks V1.5 4299
Total items: 2 Total hits: 9833
Published Title Hits
03-Oct-2005 19:24 XSOTH - The VOTING for MONTH september is OPEN! 9163
28-Sep-2005 16:22 Site of the Month - The Results of Month August 2005 5209
28-Jan-2004 16:14 SPEAK XOOPS ? 4091
Total items: 3 Total hits: 18463
Published Title Hits
24-May-2005 19:07 http://xoopsfactory.de - mylinks without -php?lid=xy- 6655
Total items: 1 Total hits: 6655


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