It has taken several months of planning and a few weeks of designing, configuring, coding and migrating data, but as promised, it is finally here! Announcing the new and improved WVU-P CIT/IS Program website!
Lets start the new year with yet another (if I may say so) beautifull website build by SOFTECHMATRIX with use of the Xoops-platform. The site has officially been launched today. This has been a very large project where we collaborated with two other companies who have been doing content and...
Finally, after struggling for more than a year I've launched the total revision of my website. (the old one still ran on xoops 1.3 oeps) This site runs on xoops
It is a Dutch (nederlands) website about everything that concerns adoption. Everybody directly, indirectly involved or with...
I have finished my Grand Theft Auto site after a month of work. It involves, San Andreas, Vice City, Liberty City Stories GTA3 and soon once enough information is released GTA4. I hope it is a good source of information for you all. Thanks to gestroud for helping center my start page.... has been around for a while, but I've never posted it as a news story. I figured I might as well add it to the list of other xoops sites.
I know most gamers use phpnuke or something like that, but you can make a very clean very nice gaming site with xoops.
We have used Xoops 2.2.3 for developing this website and have customized the default theme. We have also changed the Xoops main "modules" folder to "seo", "wflinks" to "listings" and newbb to "forums"
ElderHope recently upgraded to 2.2.3 Final, having watched it's stability carfully for about six months. The upgrade went flawlessly.
Since January 2004, ElderHope has been running xoops. We are so pleased with the work that the devs have done in creating this software and making it freely...
Here we are with the results of the November voting. All in all there were nearly 150 emails with your votings this month.
This month i was very impressed about the great content many of the nominated sites serve to their visitors. I had some time to look around and found some nice topics and...
We recently converted a static website to XOOPS for a local youth hockey association. We are using the xdirectory, XHLD, WF-Links, WF-Downloads, and News Moodules.
It started when we made a layout for our own website at that was based on one of the great Imago Themes. We completely redesigned their template with a great result that we used for a year on our website (we have just switched to a NEW layout). Next we where contacted...
The Kempsey and Macleay valley, Australia now has its own non-profit community portal! Based on xoops it provides forums, blogging, news, weather and soon web based email! Check it out at We want your feedback and support so please check it out. Also other Australian...