The World Islamic Call Society site is launching now

Anonymous  04-Apr-2008 00:55  8115 reads   10 Comment(s) 
Arabxoops are pleased to announce the launch of http://www.islamic-call.net, a new website featuring news, events and publications of the world islamic call society ( WICS ).

Resized Image

Due to the fact that WICS is an international society, the website content has to be available in several languages. The...

Two new cool Websites from Brazil

Mamba  31-Mar-2008 22:31  8819 reads   5 Comment(s) 
The Web design team Bertholdo Consultoria from Brasil developed two beautiful Websites using XOOPS. Both of them are very creative and show that with the right mixture of talent and creativity, sky is the limit for XOOPS Developers.
To be honest, I would never know that they are made in XOOPS,...


migrieren  29-Mar-2008 09:59  6429 reads   1 comment 
migrieren is an linux | xoops blog and howto portal with the main focus migration windows to linux.

we use the following modules

- weblinks
- rssc
- smartfaq
- xigg
- sitemap
- d3forum
- myalbum
- umfrage
- contact

faq migration

regards and happy xoopsing.


BornSlacker.com is now SlackerGamingNetwork.com

tvepsorg  21-Mar-2008 05:48  6341 reads   No comments 
Nearly four years ago I downloaded Xoops for the first time and immediately fell in love with this CMS. It's easy to setup, easy to use, and very versatile.

Almost two years ago I posted this article showing how the CMS could be used to create and manage an online gaming team.

Here's an old...


kurak_bu  19-Mar-2008 20:23  7444 reads   2 Comment(s) 
P2Pinfo.pl is a Polish site about Peer 2 peer. Here you can find lot's of articles, news, files about p2p connections. Xoops powered

Theme made by our friend - Erol (Aphex)


globetrotter  06-Mar-2008 17:13  6817 reads   2 Comment(s) 
Reiseseiten is an free travel web catalog with the top 27 travel regions of the world.

i used the following modules

- weblinks
- myalbum with hacks
- d3forum
- pico

many thanks to xoopsdesign.com for this very nice theme.



Dr Sylvain Desforges, chiropractor - www.drdesforges.com - ...

drdesforges  05-Mar-2008 07:34  7853 reads   3 Comment(s) 

Our chiropractic clinics are located in Quebec Canada. We have several  XOOPS  websites.

I have completely redesign my personal site, http://www.drdesforges.com with a more contemporary look.

Clinique chiropratique, chiropraticien

Clinique Chiropratique du Dr Desforges, chiropraticien: http://www.drdesforges.com

Also, over the...


Unlimited locals call in Toronto Canada

Venericameat  27-Feb-2008 19:31  6577 reads   No comments 
This is a telecommunication company about home phone service. Any person with internet ( no matters how slow is it) can get this amazing promotion for 1 year. Also is in Spanish.


Any inquaries please contact us at sales[ATT]tecomca.com

Again we thank to websfor the amazing theme.

Around 2 million page views per month

marckd  26-Feb-2008 16:35  7415 reads   4 Comment(s) 
I have written in the past telling you the succeed I had with my site http://www.zycu.com, made with xoops and basically the myalbum module, achieveing high numbers of visits in the time.

But now, I have the honour to announce that with less than 2 years online, a xoops site has around 2 million...

My first site with Xoops

alfta  24-Feb-2008 19:56  6869 reads   4 Comment(s) 
I am new to the webdesign and programming and i found the best no: 1 CMS Xoops that make this field easy to me and many others beside it is simple it is strong and stable.
Thanks to all
Welcome to Alhasamall

Modules used:

JigJak releases V2.0

lintu  22-Feb-2008 03:55  7015 reads   3 Comment(s) 
JigJak the site that helps you discover the best of web, has just released their 2.0 version. If you are not familiar with JigJak, it mashes up blogging, social bookmarking and syndication on a community-based portal.

Resized Image

Version 2.0 is packed with new features :

- A complete site re-design to offer a...

XOOPS toplist update

php-deluxe  19-Feb-2008 16:34  6836 reads   No comments 
what is new on xoopszone?

the xoopszone team is pleased to announce new features on xoopszone.de

1. you can read news from the xoopszone - Blog and News
2. we can help you to promote your xoops site - Xoops Web Tipps and
3. now you can read rss feeds from other xoops sites - RSS Center

and here...

Reisen Singapur

php-deluxe  18-Feb-2008 13:04  6996 reads   1 comment 
Singapur is a german travel portal, with the
the main focus, holiday in singapur, an metropole of asia.
built using simple - xoops 0.8.1 (xoops 2.2.5) with seo hack, wordpress module and the new booking engine.

Reisen Singapur

regards and happy xoopsing

Malamute de Alaska - Website of the alaskan malamute in ...

marcosjavier  14-Feb-2008 06:51  7644 reads   1 comment 
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Malamute de alaska (http://www.malamutedealaska.com) is a web portal dedicated to the wonderful world of malamutes (alaskan malamute in English).
It is a necessary reference point for all those who want to learn about the race.
This web has been developed with Xoops, with excellent results in...

DIER of KNTU site

Rogalsky  10-Feb-2008 11:00  5642 reads   No comments 
Resized ImageDear visitors! We are glad to greet you on our website – the Official site of the Department of International Economic Relations (DIER) of the Kherson National Technical University.


Now site is bilingual. Students took on a job to translate the site to 4 languages, which they...
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