My Beautiful Company is happy to announce its new website dedicated exclusively to chocolate. You will find history of chocolate, chocolate recipes, and collaborative space. Almost all modules are professional modules from Instant-Zero.
Biznis & Finansije is a online edition of serbian print magazine of the same name.
It's running on Xoops 2.3.3 but the most of it is developed under XOOPS 2.3.1. I want to thang Catzwolf for a great help of updating the site on 2.3.3, because it doesn't worked as planned.
As most of you know, has been using Xoops exclusively since 2004.
Since then we have been steadily upgrading and customizing. In the past few months, we have partnered with Instant-Zero to meet some demanding enhancements to current modules, as well as "built from scratch"...
About Pluff Mud Connect
Pluff Mud Connect is a matching service designed to connect Lowcountry consultants and service providers with nonprofit organizations in eight coastal counties of South...
mildebriese 08-Apr-2009 14:57 4573 reads No comments
Here is the German free travel catalog (Reiseverzeichnis) with the 10 top travel regions in the world. We have rebuild our site and now works fine under XOOPS-2.2.3.
php-deluxe 03-Apr-2009 12:31 4544 reads No comments
We are proud to present the first German Biker Social Network is relaunched with XOOPS-2.2.3.
The Social Network was made with the Yogurt Social Network Module, thanks for this good Module. In the next Time we plan an update on the new social profil modul.
ACCUH is an association of collectors of historical uniforms, mainly uniforms of World War II. Is one of the most important reenactors website in Spain. is proud to announce a new XOOPS website called "SPOOX". This website will be focusing on trainingvideos and other related trainingmaterials. The site is still gathering resources, but a full XOOPS Installation Guide video is currently available for download. A complete XOOPS...
California Hypnosis Institute of India is a Hypnotherapy training institute in India. The website is now created using xoops 2.3.3.
I will like to thank the whole xoops community and specially Ghia for helping me with various issues that I was facing while creating...