whttp://www.gamesonline.ch has completed its redesign. Ok ok, I know what you are thinking at that moment…. “NOT AGAIN!” But finally we are getting closer to the design we where looking for.
gamesonline.ch is based on Xoops which enables all our community guests to post news, threads, pictures and...
Fastsail.org (user = myxoops pass= letmein _ will be deleted in a couple of weeks) is my second go at a Xoops site and things have gone really well, thanks in part to the help and support I have had from the forum.
This my sencond xoops site, this second is a porting of my 4 years old flat html site to xoops using icontent module for static pages, porting external forums to pbbmod, several custom blocks for...
Just a little note to say that my new XOOPS based site, http://www.toomuchit.com, has gone up using a modified theme from 7dana.com. HUGE thanks both to XOOPS and 7dana for making this so easy. I tried Nuke, PostNuke, PHPNuke, Slashcode and several others and none of them quite fitted the bill -...
ISECA is a non-profit organization aiming to increase security awareness and facilitate information sharing and collaboration among security professionals. We are using XOOPS for our site at http://www.iseca.org and we are very happy with it.
I don`t know if it`s interesting stuff, but i decided to move to xoops with pc-treiber.net. it`s a german hardware com., mainly ASRock based. News are direct SMF Output through SSI stuff and more.
Looking for the latest ICT news on the planet? E-rom.nl is a dutch ICT news site. Here can you find al the ICT news what is know on the moment. Always in the front in a world that calls ICT
Just wanted to show one of the websites I have useing XoopS. This website contains free stuff users can get, there are allso a guide to danish prize drawings, and last but not least, an guide to some cool online games on the net. The site has danish language, but maybe you...
Dear friends of xoops, finaly i finished my xoops site. It is for crazy people with crazy content. I hope you will like it, it is not in english, but the design! There is still a litle bug under mozzila - pixel here, pixel there - but I am working on it!
India News, Headlines and Forumimg Bharat.name is a Internet-Nation of India. Bharat is anther name of India. It uses headlines, news, forum and links feature of xoops.
It is working great. XOOPS team thanks a lot.website is also running free domain name contest! website is http://www.bharat.name
unsere Community wächst und gedeiht. Unsere Download Sektion umfasst mitlerweile ca. 160 Downloads. Hier sind die wichtigsten Microsoft Patches und Updates verlinkt. Außerdem lebt dieser Bereich von den unzähligen Freewaretools welche uns die Arbeit mit dem PC oftmals sehr...