
whosonline hack rc305 Fix

ric  11-Nov-2002 09:22  4220 reads   No comments 
well..just fix this hack language files and please grab it


Module news hack

joe  05-Oct-2002 15:24  4367 reads   No comments 
I have codet a hack that expands the news modul.
It allows you to display two news-blocks side by side on the news site.


Updated news expiry date hack

Herko  29-Sep-2002 13:39  7608 reads   No comments 
I have updated the news expiry hack

-Tested the hack for RC3.0.5 compatibility;
- Extended the changelog on the readme.txt, now every code adition and change is fully listed (so now you can incorporate the hack into your own modules and hacks);
- Done some small code and archive cleanups.


myDownload Module Hack

eevans  29-Aug-2002 21:47  5486 reads   No comments 
I am in the process of hacking the mydownload module to enable me to create a book-management module in which I will be able to upload books to my Web site and indicate for each book the versions available and the download module will then display multiple version downloads for each book. Right...

LDAP discussion forum has been opened

hrac  21-Aug-2002 06:51  4126 reads   No comments 
I've opened an LDAP discussion forum. Everyone welcomed that interested in LDAP support, and no need to register to post messages to forum.

You can reach forum here

Current LDAP support package is in beta state and current version is still 0.11. Because I didn't get too much feedback. You can...

News hack: set expiry date

Herko  16-Aug-2002 22:26  5118 reads   No comments 
My first xoops module hack: added the option to set an expiry date to news posts to the Xoops news module.
There are still some small bugs (this IS my first hack, after all ), but you can test it here (use the news admin). You can find the modified news module here, but you need to manually add a...

How to make to appear the right menù with freecontent

DIABLO  07-Aug-2002 19:17  4603 reads   No comments 
If used, the FreeContent module and you are not particularly shoes to you on php or still you do not know well xoops, you will have noticed, than when gone in a page created with this, does not come visualized the menù of right and not there are knows to you, that they can help you, at least, if...

PN -> XOOPS Conversion Template

Boobtoob  07-Aug-2002 18:51  4777 reads   No comments 
Ok, you may be asking what is a PN to XOOPS conversion template, well, it copies the core data from Postnuke 7.13x tables to XOOPS RC 3.04 tables. Now, the template thing may be confusing as well. The reason I call it a template is that it's not a full fledged conversion script, just a hack that...

Guestbook Plus - Test

Pitiless  06-Aug-2002 22:01  7017 reads   No comments 
Based on Digitalpixel's Guestbook from http://www.myxoops.org
New futures:
Avatars for guests
Avatar of the members will be automaticly taken
female / male
Administrator can write commets for posts
Avatars und female / male pictures can be simply configured whith config.php

Scrolling Downloads

inconnue_team  01-Aug-2002 18:36  4343 reads   No comments 
Here is a hack small to see downloads in scroll Practice to put more of downloads
downloads it THERE

Select your language on the fly!

jimmy  31-Jul-2002 14:18  4879 reads   6 Comment(s) 
The pictures may be more relevant: click here

This hack is intended to let the user select his own language on the fly. Although the XOOPS engine allows for selecting a default language, it doesn't allow for selecting the language "on the fly". This hack consists of a block which displays a list...

Polls on newBB

xtremdj  30-Jul-2002 14:16  5480 reads   4 Comment(s) 
For those who wants XoopsBB looks like PhpBB, i've hacked some files of newbb in order to permit user who want to create a topic, to create a polls associated with.

It uses class files of the xoopspoll modules and the text (2 or 3 only) are hardcoded in english in the forumform.inc.php
You could...

LDAP Support Beta is out!

hrac  30-Jul-2002 07:40  4465 reads   6 Comment(s) 
I've finally released first beta release of LDAP support. You can download it with same link:

I've decided to create new thread, because I want to seperate alpha discussions and beta discussions.
« 1 ... 8 9 10 (11)


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