
ADODB 0.24 - Advanced Database Perfomance

wishcraft  05-Oct-2011 10:03 5659 Reads   12 Comment(s) 
Some Benchmarking: (A Full Report is available below in spreedsheet)

Note: This bench testing is done on a shared Blade Server with 16GB used for IPTV, potentially the figures have been thrown by the occassional load on the server from crons and other system tasks; some of this testing is not direct database injection but instead using the XOOPS Classes Structures to better enhance the code execution testing

Standard 1996 Database class:
Average Create Table: 0.17227774262400 seconds (40 Test's)
Average Select from Table: 0.10626288652400 seconds (20 Test's)
Average Insert into Table: 3.54515728951000 seconds (20 Test's)
Average Update (Individual): 0.13025461435300 seconds (20 Test's)
Average Update All: 0.00989596843720 seconds (20 Test's)
Average Delete (Individual): 0.00109882275263 seconds (600 Test's)
Average Delete All: 0.00077251195908 seconds (20 Test's)
Average Alter Table: 1.40721149743000 seconds (16 Test's)
Average Rename Table: 0.02501308918000 seconds (60 Test's)
Average Smarty Render: 0.03921358585360 seconds (21 Test's)
Maximum Create Table: 2.51468610764000 seconds
Maximum Select from Table: 0.47155404090900 seconds
Maximum Insert into Table: 6.73046994209000 seconds
Maximum Update (Individual): 0.29396200180100 seconds
Maximum Update All: 0.01879382133480 seconds
Maximum Delete (Individual): 0.14146590232800 seconds
Maximum Delete All: 0.00111103057861 seconds
Maximum Alter Table: 2.92053914070000 seconds
Maximum Rename Table: 0.78347682952900 seconds
Maximum Smarty Render: 0.47892093658400 seconds
Minimum Create Table: 0.01050591468810 seconds
Minimum Select from Table: 0.02557611465450 seconds
Minimum Insert into Table: 1.65693902969000 seconds
Minimum Update (Individual): 0.07569193840030 seconds
Minimum Update All: 0.00518488883972 seconds
Minimum Delete (Individual): 0.00025391578674 seconds
Minimum Delete All: 0.00111103057861 seconds
Minimum Alter Table: 0.12055492401100 seconds
Minimum Rename Table: 0.00037193298340 seconds
Minimum Smarty Render: 0.00613808631897 seconds
Tests Took for Create Table: 6.89110970498000 seconds
Tests Took for Select from Table: 2.12525773048000 seconds
Tests Took for Insert into Table: 70.90314579010000 seconds
Tests Took for Update (Individual): 2.60509228707000 seconds
Tests Took for Update All: 0.19791936874400 seconds
Tests Took for Delete (Individual): 0.65929365158000 seconds
Tests Took for Delete All: 0.01545023918150 seconds
Tests Took forAlter Table: 22.51538395880000 seconds
Tests Took for Rename Table: 1.50078535080000 seconds
Tests Took for Smarty Render: 0.78427171707100 seconds

ADODB with standard MySQL Database class:
Average Create Table: 0.00771573781968 seconds (40 Test's) - 2232.81% Improvement
Average Select from Table: 0.11102730698100 seconds (20 Test's) - -5% Improvement
Average Insert into Table: 3.84030112028000 seconds (20 Test's) - -7.68% Loss
Average Update (Individual): -- 0.38914394378700 -- (20 Test's)
Average Update All: -- 0.29676079750100-- (20 Test's)
Average Delete (Individual): -- 0.13175892829900 -- (600 Test's)
Average Delete All: -- 0.02685403823850 -- (20 Test's)
Average Alter Table: -- 6.87397503853000 -- (16 Test's)
Average Rename Table: -- 1.36775803566000 -- (60 Test's)
Average Smarty Render: -- 1.00343608856000 -- (21 Test's)
Maximum Create Table: 0.24688816070600 seconds - 1018.55% improvement
Maximum Select from Table: 0.47188997268700 seconds - -0.08% Loss
Maximum Insert into Table: 14.23067998890000 seconds - 52.30% Loss
Maximum Update (Individual): -- 0.38914394378700 --
Maximum Update All: -- 0.29676079750100 --
Maximum Delete (Individual): -- 0.13175892829900 --
Maximum Delete All: -- 0.02685403823850 --
Maximum Alter Table: -- 6.87397503853000 --
Maximum Rename Table: -- 1.36775803566000 --
Maximum Smarty Render: -- 1.00343608856000 --
Minimum Create Table: 0.00022912025452 seconds - 4585.33% Improvement
Minimum Select from Table: 0.02932405471800 seconds - 12.78% Loss
Minimum Insert into Table: 2.26032400131000 seconds - 26.69% Loss
Minimum Update (Individual): -- 0.06345319747920 --
Minimum Update All: -- 0.00524020195007 --
Minimum Delete (Individual): -- 0.00027585029602 --
Minimum Delete All: -- 0.06345319747920 --
Minimum Alter Table: -- 0.19068908691400 --
Minimum Rename Table: -- 0.00038409233093 --
Minimum Smarty Render: -- 0.00841498374939 --
Tests Took for Create Table: 0.30862951278700 seconds - 2232.81% Improvement (Important this is based on totaity of tests)
Tests Took for Select from Table: 1.99849152565000 seconds - 106.34% Improvement (Important this is based on totaity of tests)
Tests Took for Insert into Table: 70.90314579010000 seconds - 7.69% Loss (Important this is based on totaity of tests)
Tests Took for Update (Individual): -- 3.55753850937000 --
Tests Took for Update All: -- 0.64790964126600 --
Tests Took for Delete (Individual): -- 0.78742003440900 --
Tests Took for Delete All: -- 0.04996681213380 --
Tests Took forAlter Table: -- 38.08730196950000 --
Tests Took for Rename Table: -- 4.18308091164000 --
Tests Took for Smarty Render: -- 1.96513366699000 --

You can make these statistics on a on minute cron with this benckmark 1.08 - Download: xoops2.5_benchmark_1.08.zip - 6.0Mbs - If you would like to download our bench test in spreed sheet, use this link - XOOPS_2.5_Benchmark_STD_vs_ADODB.zip.

You can check out ADODB the PHP Library at http://adodb.sourceforge.net
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