[size=x-large]Size: 17.15 MB[/size]
[size=x-large]Mudules in this pack:[/size] phpmyadmin, contact, IPB_module_1.1.3, easyweb, wsproject-beta-v.0.7.2.s, adresses, directfriends, citas_daten, anni, xp_syndication, XP-Weather, xp-ref, xp-radio, xoopsvirus, xoopsgallery, xoopschat, xonline, xdirectory, xCal, wsproject, worldtime, whosonline, whatnews, wfsRPC, wfsnippets, wfsection, wfquotes, wffaq, webmail, weblog, wakka, vlweather, visitors2, utstats, uskolaxgallery, uservisit, userpoints, userinfo, uploader, tv, tutorials, treemenuxl, tinyevent, tinycontent, theaterman, team, sysinfo, statistics, sqmail, spotlight, shoutbox, shop, sample_module, rightklick, relations, randomquote, RandomBabe, radio, quote4xoops, pricelist, prensa, PP-News, Popularity, phpsysinfo, phpads, page, optimize, myquiz, mymenu, myalbum, myAds, multiMenu, msn, mrbs, meteoconsult, meteo, metacat, meta, mantis, magalerie, lykos_reviews, lykos_blocks, liaise, lastposts, khat, irc, Inconnue_reference, incblocks, impressum, iMenu, icontent, horoscope, historias, gsdownloads, googlestats, google2, glossaire, friendfinder, freecontent, formulaire, filemanager, fetedujour, evennews, estadisticas, errorhandler, ecoTut, eCal, dropdown, dms, Detente, counter, count, couleurs, contact_plus, comics, cjaycontent, cdbase, c-html, buddyfriends, blockies, backup, babe2, avantgo, antidos, analogclock, altern8news, agnitioVirusInfo, agendax, addresses...
Some info in brazilian portuguese: Para entrar em contato, caso deseje participar da tradução do próximo pacotão:
http://www.xoops.net.br/modules/contact/(claro, colocaremos os seus créditos da tradução não só no módulo traduzido por você, como também em todos os outros)
MD5 checksums:
2aade9bd40107f7d55462713ab9c8202 *xoops2-modulos-v1.0-20031015.tar.bz2
MD5 checksums generated by MD5summer
http://www.md5summer.orgGenerated 17/10/2003 02:35:05
Note: MD5summer is an application for Microsoft Windows 9x, NT, ME, 2000 and XP which generates and verifies md5 checksums. Its output file is compatible with the output of the Linux GNU MD5Sum and it will also read Linux generated files. It is released under the General Public License, the source can be downloaded from the downloads page (down the bottom).