Annoying CSS issue

I'm working on a redesign of our company website (trying to keep it real simple and basic looking), and I've run into a little glitch in the CSS. For some reason it works just fine on IE, but in Mozilla the font faces and size sometimes display incorrectly. The bizarre part is that you can load the page and everything will be fine. then you can hit the refresh button and the menu headers and some of the block headlines change (which they are not supposed to do). Hit refresh again and the menu headers and half of the block headers go back to normal, but half the block headers stay small. Hit it again and the menu headers go small but all of the block headers are fine. Hit it again and everything will be right again.

Has anyone ever seen this, or have an idea as to why it's acting so oddly?

Re: Annoying CSS issue
  • 2004/3/22 14:00

  • Vargr

  • Not too shy to talk

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When it comes to CSS my experience is, that MSIE doesn't have a clue as to what it is doing, whereas Mozilla (in my case Firefox) plays by the rules.

If you want to, I can take a look at your CSS and see if I can detect any odd things. Not that I am a CSS-wizard or anything, but maybe I could be lucky and spot something.

Re: Annoying CSS issue
  • 2004/3/22 14:02

  • carnuke

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Just another thought ... make sure the templates_c folder is purged of all files (except index). I have found that this often plays havoc and delays changes. Another thought, use TOPSTYLE lite to test css validity and test browser tpes


Re: Annoying CSS issue
  • 2004/3/22 14:04

  • T-Tech

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1. Check the theme.html for comments that may be out of place. No comments above the beginning tags. (If you make changes to the theme.html be sure to go to templates_c and delete the old generated file.)

2. Run through your css file and be sure you have set font-size for every variable, and that you have choosen the correct font-face as well.

3. Proof read the css for any typo that may be hidden in there.

Re: Annoying CSS issue
  • 2004/3/22 14:23

  • Dave_L

  • XOOPS is my life!

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The W3C HTML and CSS validators can also detect problems:


Re: Annoying CSS issue
  • 2004/3/22 14:55

  • DobePhat

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what measurement are you using for text size?
em, percent, etc?

Sometimes that makes a difference too....
I cant remeber where the major difference is but check the links Dave mentioned.

Do you have an example to look at? I've just spent a great deal of time working on a crossbrowser css...(that Im going to activate soon). One of the primary problems I ran into was the handling of table size/padding as well as UL handling (ie:in netscape type browsers the Ul must be defined left and right sides not just one as in IE)

It can be a headache....to be sure

Re: Annoying CSS issue
  • 2004/3/22 15:03

  • tjnemez

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hey ace_armstrong,

had a look at your css and you have different font sizes, from: 12px, 10 px, small, and 90% from what i seen at a quick glance. you may choose to make these uniform; i always use px so it makes it simple.

i am not a fan of msie by no means, but i have not had problems with ie 6.

Re: Annoying CSS issue

I've seen this before when using right-aligned elements. I tried many things... like extra wrapper div tags to insulate the margins, etc., but no avail. Ulimately, I had to add more slack to the spacing between elements so that they were less sensitive to this 10 to 20 px swing of margins. (In other words, if I had 500px of space, I would load 480px of elements).

Also, this was with Firebird. I'm not sure if FireFox has the same issue. Like you, I was not having trouble with IE (which I test at IE 5.5).

What I did not try, but what might also work, is not using right-align. Also, I can't remember whether I explicitly set all of my padding and spacing to 0. That might also help. It might be alternating between default padding and inherited padding on your various refresh.

Finally, I would say avoid px font sizes if you can. Percentages are nice I think (allowing the user to control their font sizes).

Re: Annoying CSS issue
  • 2004/3/22 16:20

  • tjnemez

  • Home away from home

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  • Since: 2003/9/21


the varied font sizes in the css have nothing to do with this issue?

Re: Annoying CSS issue


tjnemez wrote:
hey ace_armstrong,

had a look at your css and you have different font sizes, from: 12px, 10 px, small, and 90% from what i seen at a quick glance. you may choose to make these uniform; i always use px so it makes it simple.

i am not a fan of msie by no means, but i have not had problems with ie 6.

You looked at the wrong site. It's not GLOAMING that I'm having the issue on. (But, yeah, I know those are a little sloppy...that was the first site we ever did with XOOPS.)

The site I am working on (http://www.TwilightMD.com/content/) is using all px for the font size.


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