Re: Suddenly get "This is your first time to enter the administration section"
  • 2009/8/12 3:41

  • DobePhat

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 656

  • Since: 2003/4/15

Bandit-X Thanks!- you saved the day again!

Yup that was it. That's annoying, that is not the first time an auto-update has added layers of settings that have affected my browsing abilities in firefox. (another one I can think of was the annoying re-direct warning).

Indeed the network.http.sendRefererHeader was set as 0
I typed about:config in my firfox address bar and was able to change that option to 2 (as integer) after scrolling and finding it.

I would not have ever guessed that!! But now will keep an eye out. BTW- Would this affect registered users as well? Or only admin functions?

thanks again.!!
This was definitely part of a presumed major problem we have been having. And we are cleaning up our files in the process, too. ;)

Re: Suddenly get "This is your first time to enter the administration section"
  • 2009/8/12 2:54

  • DobePhat

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 656

  • Since: 2003/4/15

Hi..you wont believe this. Its only happening in Firefox now!!.
yup--checked several times. IE7 no problem, click preferences and everything is regenerated but not in firefox.

FireFox recently tried to update itself on my machine.
Im thinking it either did not or its incomplete.

I will try the latest update and see.

I also went ahead and disabled a few questionable modules..but again nothing recent was done except for this possible browser issue..

Ok reviewed this issue again..
Even after updating Firefox to the very latest...
version 3.0.13 -->3.5.2

and this issue is it destroys the adminmenu.php completely..
no menus appear after updating preferences, and selections dont take.

Log in to IE7 or Safari and am asked if its "first time to enter admin area etc.."
Click yes, recreates.
safari yes,
Ie 7 yes,

Firefox no..? weird im tellin ya. maybe its just me..but Im going to some research and see what features Firefox may have enabled that may be causing this problem.

Re: Suddenly get "This is your first time to enter the administration section"
  • 2009/8/11 17:09

  • DobePhat

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 656

  • Since: 2003/4/15

Unfortuantely its not resolved, after prefrences update-once again no admin menus etc.

Really frustrating problem that feels like it's come out of nowhere.

ph 5 , MySQL 5 etc


Re: Suddenly get "This is your first time to enter the administration section"
  • 2009/8/10 18:29

  • DobePhat

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 656

  • Since: 2003/4/15


For us the solution was we hard navigated to the Modules admin and updated the SYSTEM module. For some reason the adminmenu.php is now being created.

Not sure how or why but this method worked for us.

Our server has been a little unstable lately but it appears to be primarily from versioning inconsistancies.
Its possible an auto backup affected us.

either way seems to be resolved for the time being.
Thanks -

Re: Suddenly get "This is your first time to enter the administration section"
  • 2009/8/9 19:38

  • DobePhat

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 656

  • Since: 2003/4/15

Thanks, rolled back to a previous version of the site and still have a same problem.
Cant recall if we did anything different (small team works on site). It was just really surprising when it happened.
The gut feeling is that its a server issue, and that somehow the permission settings are incorrect.

(cache, templates_c, uploads ) problem is it does appear to be writing to cache, but it wont recreate the adminmenu.

Will ask host to check out server logs.
Will let ya know if anything is found. But basically we had been running the site without problem for the past year (and it has been around for the past 5) so it just seemed so odd.

Re: Suddenly get "This is your first time to enter the administration section"
  • 2009/8/8 19:36

  • DobePhat

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 656

  • Since: 2003/4/15

argh..got this message suddenly and its in a loop.
everytime we restore the adminmenu.php and then do something like submit preferences (which generally clears the cache) the adminmenu.php gets deleted. Cant seem to get it to restore by clicking on "first time entering admin.." this is really bizarre.

Anyone have any suggestions? been finding lots of similar questions in the search and so have tried many things.

Don't understand how cache files are being written into the directory and yet it cannot create a new adminmenu.php. Possible still a permissions issue?


xoops andTwitter - integration?
  • 2009/3/22 21:04

  • DobePhat

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I was talking to a friend who said that wordpress had a plug-in for sending out posted updates to twitter. (Here (I think)

there is also a free service called that takes rss news feeds and sends to your set up twitter account.TwitterFeed

I wonder if this is something worth having for XOOPS based sites. For recent news or whatever category (rss like) you can think of. More integration with twitter might be good.
I dunno..

Any thoughts on this?


Re: mastop modules and xoops
  • 2009/3/2 16:18

  • DobePhat

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  • Since: 2003/4/15

Hi good idea Ill try contacting them and share what I learn.
-well the auto menu will be created and that basic functionality is fine. (menu block is auto generated pulls from existing modules fine)

But in The admin side, wanting to use primary function of module, I get this error at "Add Content", tried all sorts of ways to add content and got the same error.


Re: mastop modules and xoops
  • 2009/3/2 15:25

  • DobePhat

  • Friend of XOOPS

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  • Since: 2003/4/15

None, thats whats driving me nuts. :(

Least when running debug via xoops.
Ive used this module on some other sites to great success.
the only different variable Im aware of is the MySQL version..

(I think it may be related to this Issue here. )

But they never shared the solution.

Re: mastop modules and xoops
  • 2009/3/2 15:06

  • DobePhat

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 656

  • Since: 2003/4/15

almost a year later and still have this problem. LOL- now looking into it again.. I know and suspect it's with the sql syntax and its relation to myql 5 but have no idea what to look for. Any suggestions?

Use this module on some other sites and it's still top notch..wish I could get it going on a particular one though.


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