Re: How to modify templates in 2.5.4
  • 2012/4/15 6:33

  • Vargr

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 130

  • Since: 2003/6/19

I think you are right about the fall-back template system. It makes more sense having it work the way you describe.

Thank you for pointing this out. And for explaining the trick of turning off modules and themes when having problems or upgrading.

And I have to admit, having the templates as real files in stead of as data tucked away in a database makes it a lot easier to work with, so so far I think that is an improvement (though it had me cmpletely baffled to start with - probably because I have been working with the old system).

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Re: How to modify templates in 2.5.4
  • 2012/4/14 8:26

  • Vargr

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 130

  • Since: 2003/6/19

This is just an update in case people come here looking for a solution to the same question.

First thank you to those that answered my call for help and gave me important pointers.

In XOOPS 2.5.4 templates seems (I write "seems" because I don't know if I have understood it 100% correctly) to be located as files in a folder and not in the database as was the method used earlier.

If you want to have your own theme and your own templates this is how it (seemingly ) works (it works at my end anyway):

This is based on a vanilla installation.

At the location my_site/themes you should find the following folders default, suico and zetagenesis

Add a folder for your own theme:


Place your files for your theme here, such as style.css, theme_blockcenter_c.html etc.

Then add a folder called modules:


and add a folder for each module you want a template for (in this case the module newbb):


Here you place your template files such as newbb_index.html, newbb_thread.html etc. You also make a folder called blocks


where the block-templates go (newbb_block.html, newbb_block_author.html etc.).

When your folders are in place you can - if you wish - copy old template files into the new directory structure and they should work - as long as the version of the templates is the same as the version of the module you have installed.

Now, when I go to administration, templates and in the directory listing to the left clicks on my_theme, on modules and then on newbb I will see all the templates for that theme and for that module.

Clicking one of the template files it pops up in the editor window on the right and you can modify as you see fit and the changes carry through.

I assume that XOOPS will default to the templates in the default theme if it can not find the module in your custom theme - it seems to do so here. This means that you only need the templates for the moule(s) you want to modify.

And therefor I suggest you keep the default theme at all times, so XOOPS have something to fall back to.

Now, I still have no clue as to what "Choose template" and "Forced file generation" etc does. Doesn't seem to do anything at all here.

I hope this will be of some help to someone.

- 狼 -

Re: How to modify templates in 2.5.4
  • 2012/3/31 18:53

  • Vargr

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 130

  • Since: 2003/6/19

Good advice - I didn't know that I could prevent modules from getting updated by disabling them.

Anyway - I am re-installing from scratch now - I am afraid I have tinkered with too much now.

As always, I am pleased that I never feel all alone when I have a problem with XOOPS.
- 狼 -

Re: How to modify templates in 2.5.4
  • 2012/3/31 18:26

  • Vargr

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 130

  • Since: 2003/6/19

Thank you for helping me to understand it a little better.

Alas, I still don't understand it well enough, for now I succeeded in making XOOPS believe there are no themes at all (and thus nothing is displayed).

It really is too long wince I last dabbled in XOOPS' inner workings...

I will see if I can get the themes back - and hopefully an updated manual will appear in the meantime.
- 狼 -

Re: How to modify templates in 2.5.4
  • 2012/3/31 14:46

  • Vargr

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 130

  • Since: 2003/6/19

OK - seems I am too dense...

I want to clone the default templates so I can change the new set to my likings (copy my old files into the new templates).

The instructions say:

Cloning and downloading template sets

If you would like to create a custom template set you can make a copy of the default set (or any other) by selecting the ‘clone’ link (you will be prompted to give the new set a name). Unlike the default, other template sets can be freely edited. You can also save a copy of a template set to disk by selecting the ‘download’ link, or remove it with the ‘delete’ link. You may also sometimes see an additional ‘Generate’ link next to new modules for which templates have not yet been created.

Now, on //...site.../modules/system/admin.php?fct=tplsets (Templates Manager) I don't see any clone button. In fact my site doesn't even look identical to the screen dump on page 67 - I have a "Choose Template" before "Select theme".

Something weird with my installation or did I forget to do something?

- 狼 -

Re: How to modify templates in 2.5.4
  • 2012/3/31 14:21

  • Vargr

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 130

  • Since: 2003/6/19

Thank you for a quick reply.

I will read it and if I am too dense to comprehend it I will be back.
- 狼 -

How to modify templates in 2.5.4
  • 2012/3/31 10:54

  • Vargr

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 130

  • Since: 2003/6/19

I have a number of XOOPS sites and they have been running fine for years.

Now a few of them are running old and I am forced to upgrade them and thus I am getting back into the workings of XOOPS.

Presently I am running version 2.5.4 and trying to migrate a few things from an older site that somehow along the way got pretty messed up. Soo it is really a salvage operation.

Right now I am trying to get the old templates for newbb installed in 2.5.4. But I can not figure out how to work with templates in 2.5.4 and I can not find any documentation (I am probably looking all the wrong places but the XOOPS site seems difficult to navigate these days).

In my old XOOPS installation I had a page with all templates, I could pick one, modify it in XOOPS and save it.

Can I do the same in 2.5.4? And how?

Thank you in advance.
- 狼 -

Re: Formulaire 3.33 Only admin can see forms
  • 2010/9/8 22:47

  • Vargr

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 130

  • Since: 2003/6/19

OK - I think I finally found a working solution.

Mind you - I haven't had the time to test it thoroughly.

Following some other threads here and there (primarily this one) I decided to hunt down all instances of checkRight anywhere in the module.

For instance in qcm_menu.php (but also elsewhere):

if ( $gperm_handler -> checkRight'Droits des categories'$row['id_form'], $groups$formulaireModule->getVar('mid') ) ) {

Notice the French Droits des categories - apparently this should have been coded so that it looked up the word in the language file or some such thing. What I did was to change the French to English (since my site runs in English - for the time being).

It thus becomes:

if ( $gperm_handler -> checkRight'Permissions of the categories'$row['id_form'], $groups$formulaireModule->getVar('mid') ) ) {

The wording has to correspond to something somewhere - sorry, I don't quite get it myself so I won't pretend I know what I am talking about.

Well, anyway, it seems to work though more testing is needed.
- 狼 -

Formulaire 3.33 Only admin can see forms
  • 2010/9/5 20:24

  • Vargr

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 130

  • Since: 2003/6/19

I have installed Formulaire 3.33 on a fresh install of XOOPS 2.4.5 using the English that it comes with.

The module is easy to work with and does exactly what I have been looking form without being overly complicated.

I can set up my forms and they look good.

When I afterwards log in as a registered user (without admin rights) I can not see the forms. Formulaire appears in the menu and I get the "list of forms" table, etc. But no forms appear.

I have made sure that the group in question has module access rights and block access rights in XOOPS as well as making sure the group has permission to the form in Formulaire (under permissions) has permission to the list of forms and QCM as well as access rights (under Blocks and groups).

Nothing can persuade Formulaire (or XOOPS?) to show the form to anyone but Admin.

I am using a version named XOOPS2_mod_formulaire_3-33_wishcraft.zip which shows up as version 3.33 in XOOPS.

I have a version named XOOPS2_mod_formulaire_3.33_Philou.zip which shows up as version 3.23 in XOOPS. This version allows users to see the forms, but it is not possible to add elements to forms in that version.

Any help would be appreciated. This has been driving me nuts for the last couple of weeks.

And does anyone know where I can get the latest version?

Thank you in advance.
- 狼 -

Re: NewBB Spam Posts - Any simple challenge hack avail?
  • 2008/1/17 17:27

  • Vargr

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 130

  • Since: 2003/6/19

I have tried to upload the SecurityImage module by DuGris.

But when trying to install the module it comes with a rather strange error message:

Installing SecurityImage

ȃp? ?.???cŽc? ?..??Ƀp??admin?àÊšÜp??class?àʝÜp??fonts?àÊ©Üp??images?ʾÜp??include?ÅÜp??language?üáèâƒp? ?xoops_version.php?Æ485?߃p?d index.html?èâƒp?P+.pureftpd-upload.478f5fcb.15.10ae2.f37c2485 is not a valid SQL!

Unable to install securityimage. Error(s):
Back to Module Administration page

It looks somewhat like a doublebyte error but that would seem rather strange.

Other modules install without a problem.

Software server Apache/2.0.61 (FreeBSD) PHP/5.2.5 with Suhosin-Patch
PHP version 5.2.5
MySql version 5.0.41-log

It installed just fine in my sandbox - the only different I can see being that of "status safe mode" being different between the two (an dI have no idea how to change that in my sandbox to see if it makes a difference). That and the fact taht my sandbox runs MySQL 2.2.6.

I hope somebody can help me tracking down the problem so that I may install this module.


It works now - I don't know why it didn't work, but I think I know how I made it work, which only proves that the Gods favour the stupid.

I was playing around on my sandbox (a webserver system on my local computer) and installing SecureImage again in a duplicate setup to the one on the public server. However, my MySQL settings pointed to the public server and not the sandbox. Apparently the MySQL got updated correctly that way and now the module is installed. Sounds strange but that seems to have been what finally fooled it into working.
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