Cum'on boys. stop fighting.
My son has just brought in a whole pile of chocolate finger biscuits which I am willing to share with you in a virtual moment
Actually, having thought about this a little, the main problem is lack of documentation. I'm a newbie to XOOPS OK? I try, because I've been brought up properly, to find answers, before I ask questions, but a paucity of info impedes progress.
I suspect that most of the people working on XOOPS things are shall we say, short in years. Being an old git like me has its advantages (and disadvantages; I can only shag twice a night being one of them.) One of the advantages is seeing the 'bleedin obvious'. There is a distinct lack of documentation.
How about the developer people setting a rule for themselves - Don't deliver software without user docs (by which I mean documentation for the complete idiot - don't assume a background or degree in computing.) Whilst it might be fun (I agree it is) to hack code and climb hills, the real wars are won by doing the difficult things, documentation being one of them! I'm almost getting nostalgic for IBM's system manuals.
Oh, and you can judge me by my own standards when I release my own module (which by the way is to do with recipe management - anyone want to help?)
Kind regards