Re: xcgal batch add issue
  • 2006/3/16 13:59

  • supernix

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2003/3/13

Ok here is the scoop. You have to get the Gallery Remote program it will run on any OS that has Java and it will allow you to remotely add pics to the site. You can even resize the pics as well before upload. It even saves you time since you dont have to upload then add the pics.
So pics are added and inserted all at once.

You can see the results at http://www.shotokansite.com

Re: xcgal batch add issue
  • 2006/2/18 1:19

  • supernix

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2003/3/13

This is a very important issue that should be dealt with.

xcgal batch add issue
  • 2006/2/16 1:43

  • supernix

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2003/3/13


I have been working with the latest version of xcgal with XOOPS 2.2.4.
I have uploaded some pictures and was going to try the batch add function but every time I do it locks up the browser.
I have the same issue with FF or IE6 I have tried FF on Windows XP and Linux.

I have a PC with 512mb ram so that should be enough.

Could someone please help me resolve this issue?

Also the site has over 1,800 pics.

I think the issue is caused because the site will show all pics new and old instead of just the latest ones that are not currently in the database.

Re: Submitting long articles
  • 2006/2/10 23:13

  • supernix

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2003/3/13

Actually I did add page breaks after I was finaly able to get the article submitted and verified.
The article I think is 178 pages long as I recall so that is a very long article indeed.

Submitting long articles
  • 2006/2/10 16:12

  • supernix

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2003/3/13


I was curious as to what is a good way to handle posting long articles.

I have an article that I posted and it was so long that no matter what browser I used it would cause the browser to become non responsive for so long I thought it was not working. I finally did get it to work by just submitting it and leaving it. Ok now the module in question is Smartsection using the Koivi editor.

Re: Best Freeware Antivirus program
  • 2006/2/3 4:15

  • supernix

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  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2003/3/13

Well it looks like we are going to all get to find out first hand how good our Antivirus is due to the upcomming Kama Sutra Virus

Re: periods at end of emails
  • 2006/1/25 18:19

  • supernix

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2003/3/13

Guys I noticed this to but it really does not matter since when you click the email it works fine anyway. So the period is realy irrelevant.

Re: Catzwolf forking xoops?
  • 2006/1/24 3:52

  • supernix

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2003/3/13

Catzwolf There is more to XOOPS then just coding. That attitude of either your a coder or your nothing to the project will surely not win you any user base at all.
I have anything to say about you I will say it publicly.
Same way you have anything to say then say it before everyone so they know just who you are and how you think.

I know I use some of your WF line. I waited tirelessly for you to release a final on your WF-Section but that never came through and when XFsection come out with the bug fixes and such you blasted that poor guy for just doing to work you should have and then made sure to inform everyone that you would not support any work that the XFsection guy did. That was very harsh to act that way for someone that was just trying to meet the needs of the user base. Funny that is the hype of codeplus supposedly. That you listen and code around the users needs. Turning the WF projects over to someone else really was the best thing you did since at that point you were helping to keep the projects alive and in development. I was going to start using the XFsection again but I had high hopes that the new team was going to further the work you started and come out with a really good document management system. So here I am again using the smartsection module.
Which the smartsection 1.1 for XOOPS 2.2.x was good then they came out with 1.05 which was a step backwards since they removed the WYSIWYG from it.

I never said that you did not contribute anything useful to the XOOPS community.
But actually when your going to start developing a module or full blown CMS you have to follow through or at least make sure someone else is towing the line for you before you quit.
Am I totally missing the mark or was that not you that started and abandoned the WF modules only now to turn them over to the people at the smart modules team?

Re: Catzwolf forking xoops?
  • 2006/1/24 3:17

  • supernix

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2003/3/13

Catzwolf I have not forgotten about your on again and off again nature with XOOPS.

Actually I would not be suprised if they banned you permanently this time.

Yes I know all about the history and them comming from PHP-Nuke at one point.

Re: Catzwolf forking xoops?
  • 2006/1/24 3:10

  • supernix

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2003/3/13

True everyone is free to do whatever after all nobody gets paid.

Regardless Herko and the others put many hours into leading this project. As well as providing bandwith and whatever logistics for the site.

It is totally shameful and disrespectful to use someone with a similar project to whom you have cloned their project to claim as your own. And announce your work. There are sites that are generic CMS sites that would have been much better suited for announcing the birth of a new CMS like http://www.opensourcecms.com

You wouldn't be lame enough to run into a McDonalds and try advertising for Burger King.

As to what gives me the right? HMMMMM well how about the fact that I am a loyal XOOPS fan. That should pretty much do it.

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