If you check carefully the way the index is built in xoops.org, you'll notice that the menu options that open to reveal submenus are all contained in the category "Community". All other options are links. So the category "Community" is handled by Xoops' native main menu.
The other blocks ("General Information", "XOOPS Wiki", "Miscellaneous" and "Who's Online") are built quite easily using custom HTML blocks. To make them look exactly like the main menu options, all you need is to make sure to use the same styles: the class "menuTop" for the first option and the class "menuMain" for the rest of them.
To manage these menus, you'd need to edit the custom blocks. If you want a different kind of control, you can use, instead of iMenu, a variation of it called multiMenu (download it
here). This module lets you build four different menu blocks with the same flexibility that iMenu.
Hope this helps.