That's fine, but my site has users in many timezones, and I'd like to make it easy for them to post.
Ideally, I thin, for my site, when entering a calendar event, users should be able to select the correct time-zone at that time. The site should then be able to make adjustments based on the (known) server time zone.
The calendar should then display the event at the correct time for the event, in whichever locality it occurs. As an extra neat feature, it should show the equivalent in universal time (GMT) and in the local time of the viewer.
When these events are listed sequentially in a row (as opposed to displayed singly) they should appear in the correct date order based on universal time.
Now, of course, those are a lot of asks - and I haven't a clue how to implement them. So just take this as a wish list from a guy who knows what he wants but hasn't a clue how to do it.
Re current bugs... It's a fast moving field because the author has brought out several fixes quickly...
I've had some strange compatibility problems with the module. Notably, if I include a a piCal side panel on the same page as the sections module (main content), the sections page is blank. Once I figured this out, I could remedy the problem easily by not including the piCal side panel on sections pages - but it seems to be a bug...
Also, in the most recent version (.0.4) _MB_PICAL_JUMP appears on the form button. Someone has already spotted that - see )
There also seem to be a few issues to resolve with side blocks provided. For instance, I find the MiniCal side panel has some quirks. If there's nothing listed for today, and one clicks on 'Today', it returns to the main Home Page completely outside the calendar. That seems odd. Ideally, I believe, the side block should read either "Today - None" or "Today - View", depending on whether there's content to display.
All in all a great module - kudos to the author!
Would love to have these remaining problems sorted.