Re: preliminary summary of roadmap discussion
  • 2003/11/3 18:00

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

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markoh wrote:
Herko, your missing the fundamental change/addition to the core:

Like some others and me already mentioned, its very important to get a broader control on users and the way they can access/view/write.
Now it's all group based but its better when you can do it on userbase. Even more control.

Can you imagine administrating a site like xoops.org with over 12.000 members, and setting read/write/view rights for every user and item? I'll add it, but I think this one needs a little more discussion


Re: preliminary summary of roadmap discussion
  • 2003/11/3 18:14

  • Daigoro

  • Quite a regular

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MithyT2 wrote:
I actually like the PHP-debug as it is; showing up, where the error is reported (e.g. in a cell in a table) helps me quickly find and remove the problem.

You are right. It's good as it is, but sometimes it would be nice to have the errors in a seperate window.
This is not important, though, the most important is this:

Making it webmaster-only would be great, tho'

I guess thats the hack Draven is mentioning. I'd like to see it implementes as a core feature.

Re: preliminary summary of roadmap discussion
  • 2003/11/3 18:22

  • PureLuXus

  • Not too shy to talk

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Herko Coomans wrote:
From the next version, the core will no longer hold any of the modules developed by the core developers (newbb, news, mydownloads, mylinks, sections, xoopspartners, xoopsmembers, xoopspoll, etc.). The Core Development Team will focus on the kernel and the classes, thus focussing on the actual core of XOOPS. The Module development Team will be working on developing and upgrading the (previously core) modules.

is PM a module or it is core?
what u think about modularisation of the messages thing
i want update the message stuff but i dont want hack the "CORE"

Re: preliminary summary of roadmap discussion
  • 2003/11/3 18:39

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4238

  • Since: 2002/2/4 1

Skalpa's working on an extended PM system, but I'm not sure if it'll be a module or a core feature. But it's in the make


Re: preliminary summary of roadmap discussion


Herko Coomans wrote:

markoh wrote:
Herko, your missing the fundamental change/addition to the core:

Like some others and me already mentioned, its very important to get a broader control on users and the way they can access/view/write.
Now it's all group based but its better when you can do it on userbase. Even more control.

Can you imagine administrating a site like xoops.org with over 12.000 members, and setting read/write/view rights for every user and item? I'll add it, but I think this one needs a little more discussion


Another way to get at this issue of group vs. user administration is to have the ability to select a user and on that user profile page be able to see/modify which groups a user belongs to.

From an administration point of view, I think you will find it is good practice to administer access rights by creating a group... even if you think you will only have one person in that group. Inevitably, there will be others... and inevitably you'll need to adjust all their access rights.

But, as you say, it would be a plus if you could pull up a user and define the groups for that user in the user administration interface. (It might be easier to implement, as well )

Re: XOOPS 2.1 Core development Roadmap
  • 2003/11/3 19:18

  • Draven

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 337

  • Since: 2003/5/28


Draven wrote:

Having this allows you to theme differently for each module

It's already there !
Check <{$module.directory}> and <{$module.name}>
Also, theme writers may want to try "Smarty debug" mode in PHP or insert <{debug}> in their templates to see all the defined variables.

See!! I went and made my own hack cause I had no clue it was there. Are you sure it was there in 2.0.3? I swear I did a smarty debug on each module looking for any current variables I could use and saw none. Is it possible this was only added in 2.0.5 after sending my hacks to Catz?


I tried both of these out and it won't work. If you're on the Home page or any "system" module it says the last module active, in my case it always says IPBoard even it you're on the home page. Sorry bro.

Here's the hack I was using in the mainfile.php

// Added to identify Current Module
$module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module');
$installed_mods =& $module_handler->getObjects();
    foreach ( 
$installed_mods as $module) {
$listed_mods[] = $module->getVar('dirname');
$c "0";
foreach($listed_mods as $mod){
// check to see if the Uri matches a loaded module.
$pos strpos($xoopsRequestUri$mod);
$pos === false){
$_SESSION["c_module"] = $mod;
$c 1;
$isHome 0;
$c == 0){
// We must be in a system module
$_SESSION["c_module"] = "system";
// Are we viewing the homepage?
if(strpos($xoopsRequestUri"index") || $xoopsRequestUri == "/"){
$isHome 1;

It's not pretty but it tells me what module is currently being viewed and if one isn't found (homepage or edituser.php) it labels it "system".

With this variable available in my templates I can then assign dynamic style sheets by using:

Then I can have a different style sheet for each module stored in my themes folder.

Also allows for different images by doing:

This allows me to create image folders in my themes that hold different colors and/or images based on modules.

Re: XOOPS 2.1 Core development Roadmap
  • 2003/11/3 21:01

  • skalpa

  • Quite a regular

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Skalpa's working on an extended PM system, but I'm not sure if it'll be a module or a core feature. But it's in the make

Until now, the new PM system is implemented as a module. Catzwolf (who started it) made it like this so it would be easier to maintain.
Keeping it like that would require a few more updates to the kernel (for notifications, etc...), but I'm not against it .
I tried both of these out and it won't work. If you're on the Home page or any "system" module it says the last module active, in my case it always says IPBoard even it you're on the home page. Sorry bro.

No, I'm the one sorry here Thanks for the snippet. I was aware with probs similar to this one when you're on the homepage, so I'll check that. Thx.


Re: XOOPS 2.1 Core development Roadmap
  • 2003/11/3 23:14

  • Shine

  • Just can't stay away

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A small core wish addition considering the Main-Menu handling:

Regardless if specific modules/feature acces is restricted to specific usergroups, at this moment all modules with their subfeature-items show up within the mainmenu.
I think the module/subfeatures link showing within the mainmenu should be connected to the usergroups.
Each group will only see the menulinks to which they have acces.

Grtz., Shine

Re: XOOPS 2.1 Core development Roadmap

Erhm... that works for me as you described it should.

I have restricted access to the members menuitem for registered only - and as anonymous, I don't see the menuitem.

Re: XOOPS 2.1 Core development Roadmap
  • 2003/11/4 0:44

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

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All modules written and updated will have sub menu items controlled by groupaccess.

I think it is pointless to have a submit link in the main menu just to find out you do not have permission to submit? Pointless really, lol

We are trying to take everything onboard (even if this is a core thread) about additions you would all like to see within the modules, but we will try to add these over a period of time and not in one go (the other guys would kill me if I said we would! LOL).


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