How to improve WF - Sections
  • 2003/7/4 13:03

  • bosello

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Waitin' for the patch release (!) we can start to talk about how to improve that great module. In my opinion one could be:

As in other cms (like eNvolution) would be great to be able to select the images instead of write the addresses. Would be something like the filemanager: as popup when you click on the image field but focused on providing links to the files. Same with files.


Re: How to improve WF - Sections
  • 2003/7/4 13:11

  • tom

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As in other cms (like eNvolution) would be great to be able to select the images instead of write the addresses. Would be something like the filemanager: as popup when you click on the image field but focused on providing links to the files. Same with files.

This can already be done by using the XOOPS image manager, and you can give rights to groups you wish to allow access to uploading or just use of the images, and this works within WFS as well.

http://www.WFSections.xoops2.com is now back up and on-line by the looks.

Hope this helps.

Re: How to improve WF - Sections
  • 2003/7/4 14:16

  • bosello

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  • Since: 2003/7/3 1

You're right, but i think that the wyswyg editor on WF is more powerful.. but it doesn't report the img manager link. Only the img tag reporter.


Re: How to improve WF - Sections
  • 2003/7/4 14:41

  • bosello

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1)Blocks on the wf-page.. why the blocks about the module itself are not visible anymore? Example:

i have 2 categories: "first" and "second", above "second" there's 3 subcategories "1" "2" and "3". I would like to have the possibility to set on the block configuration of the wf page a menu on the left that shows the subcategories. (1 2 and 3 if i go to the "second" category).

2) Actually there's not the possibility to insert directly images in the summary of the news. I think that the standard news module is better on this side. Actually you must insert manually an html tag.. why don't you put another editor also for the summary?

3) Can be more user-friendly to put something like "read more" at the end of the "summary" (i mean the whole preview). Something like in the standard news module. You can customize also those things.

4) As you customized the "show author" and so on talking about the preview can you do the same also for the article? For example (it's only my case!) i dont' want to see the whole box "Author/Published/Read/Size".

5) Related to above: The title isn't too small? how can i make it bigger? (or report the title in a box, maybe instead of the one i don't need).

Sorry if in the last part i was talking maybe too much about my needs.


Re: How to improve WF - Sections
  • 2003/7/7 7:39

  • bosello

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Possibility to list on the block "WF-Section downloads" the files "into" the categories (so the same organization of the news).

Re: How to improve WF - Sections
  • 2003/7/7 7:50

  • destrux

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I think you could benefit more and have your ideas heard more by the mod dev if you posted on the wfsections site here.

Re: How to improve WF - Sections
  • 2003/7/7 8:22

  • bosello

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  • Since: 2003/7/3 1

A short summary of the suggestions are moved to:
WF-Section forum (Feature requests) as separate threads.

Let's move there!

Re: How to improve WF - Sections
  • 2003/9/3 13:38

  • limecity

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i got suggesttion~

make a patch where you can add thumbnails to the Summary section..

Re: How to improve WF - Sections

I would like to be able to use it as a Fanfiction, or Story Module and for that I would want to be able to do

nested categories, with user uploads, and chaptering features.

So we could have

Story Name/Author
Story Chapters

All allowing users to upload their own stuff.

and I would like to get it to work, to this day I've never been able to get the module to work. Usually when I install it, I end up with blank pages on the index page, or in the module itself.

Re: How to improve WF - Sections - more fields please
  • 2003/12/8 0:54

  • feral1

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  • Since: 2003/10/13


If this topic is still open for discussion, I've got a request or two for the next (I hope!) version of WF-Sections.

First, I want to say it's a great mod! Thanks to the original author and to Catz who I understand updated it this year.

I find it useful as a place to store what I call 'Reference Articles' on the main XOOPS site I run. It has more fields than the regular 'News' module, so I can, for example, include the hyperlink and title of the origional source. Very nice.

But - there are still not quite enough fields for perfection. Most importantly, I'd liker a 'date of publication' field separate from a 'date posted/updated' field - and I'd like to be able to sort on category pages by date of publicatioon as well as date posted. It would slao be nice to have blocks for both 'most recently posted' and 'most recently published'.

Ideally, I'd like extra fields for author/s (eg. 'Mr. Boris Mann') and publication source (eg. New York Times').

I'm also having problems with the display of pages in WF-Sections, but that's a separate issue (although I would still love some help figuring out a fix).

On the main page at http://physics911.org/net/modules/wfsection/ , the table does not resize to the page width on all the borwsers I use to view it - although it does in the category pages ( eg. http://physics911.org/net/modules/wfsection/index.php?category=3 ).

I'm b******* if I can figure out why and how to fix it.

Any suggestions?


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