If you want to have your own glossary module, than I have a quick &dirty integration of the great glossword script. you only need to make this changes:
Move glossword dir from zip into your XOOPS module dir.
Open "db_config.php" and make your database changes. Select "xoops_gw_" as table-prefix.
Install like glossword install guide.
open index.php in your glossword dir:
add "include "../../mainfile.php";" to line 490
and "include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/header.php";" to line 491
uncomment "$oHdr->add('Content-Type: text/html; charset='.$L->languagelist("2"));" maybe line 492
and add "include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/footer.php";" bevor ?>
Create a xoops_version.php like this
$modversion['name'] = 'Glossword';
$modversion['version'] = 1.00;
$modversion['description'] = '';
$modversion['credits'] = "";
$modversion['author'] = "";
$modversion['help'] = "";
$modversion['license'] = "GPL see LICENSE";
$modversion['official'] = 1;
$modversion['image'] = "logo.gif";
$modversion['dirname'] = "glossword";
//Admin things
$modversion['hasAdmin'] = 0;
$modversion['adminmenu'] = "";
// Menu
$modversion['hasMain'] = 1;
Now, you need to install it in your module admin.And it must work, now.
Glossword needs utf-8 encoding, that means you need to change the encoding of your language files. Open them with notepad.exe and save them in utf-8, change the XOOPS encoding in your languages global.php file and set mulitbyte encoding.
The difficult think is to change the encoding of your content. If your site doesn't use special charecters, maybe you don't have to change somethink. But if you use special characters, you need to change it...how? don't ask me...
Now, you can make changes to glossword templates to fit it into your site and if you want you can try to create some blocks
This is only a quick&dirty integration, this means the Admin section of glossword is standalone, it's not inluded in xoops. You and your glossary editors need an glossword accout to manage the glossaries.
But on userside it looks like every oother XOOPS module.
Here you can download glossword:
Sourceforge project pageHomepage is not everytime up...but the versions are newer than on the project page and you can finde here all language packs.