Re: RSS feeds and being updated
  • 2005/5/28 2:15

  • josecruz

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  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2003/3/28

Me again,

I found this for myself in the XOOPS docs:


There was link to Wolf factory for a more detailed tutorial, but it seems unavailabe as I write this post.

Otherwise, the description of how caching works is what I imagined it, which is why I didn't think turning caching ON would solve my issue with rss clients not updating my site.

Anyone with any other info? Otherwise I'm just happy that my feed updates properly now.


Re: RSS feeds and being updated
  • 2005/5/28 2:09

  • josecruz

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  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2003/3/28

Hey Hooperman,

I took a look for myself at what caching would do. As soon as I turned caching on in the system preferences, bam, my rss client (iPodderX) updated my feed. I have my cache for news 1.3 running on XOOPS 2.0.10 set at 1 minute. Thanks very much for the lead info.

Now I have a different question. I've never really used the caches very much so I don't know how they work. How will raising the cache time affect my module performance? Can anyone point me to some relevant docs about that?


Re: RSS feeds and being updated
  • 2005/5/28 1:56

  • josecruz

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  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2003/3/28

Hi Hooperman,

I too was havng a cache problem. Could you be more specific about what fixed the problem for you? Which module cache (news?) did you turn on. BTW, my original guess was that there was hidden cache that I had to turn OFF in order to get my rss feed to update to the clients. I guess I was wrong.


Re: Problem with pdf and print in newbb2
  • 2005/4/14 11:10

  • josecruz

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I was running into a similar problem and decided to turn on phpdebug in my XOOPS install. It told me that there were two undefined functions in newbb/include/functions.php

Re: "peer-interchange learning"
  • 2005/2/9 13:45

  • josecruz

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That would be great Carnuke, I appreciate it.


Re: "peer-interchange learning"
  • 2005/2/9 6:15

  • josecruz

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  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2003/3/28

I see your point Wardick...

that's why the project will promote the use of all forms of communication, chat, forums, voip, depending on the particular need allowing users to make their choice. Choice is what it's all about.

So has anyone seen anything like that before?


Re: "peer-interchange learning"
  • 2005/2/8 15:50

  • josecruz

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  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2003/3/28

Well I suppose so...

But imagine a site that specializes in setting up meetings for live chat or voice conferences on specific topics so that four or five people can exchange ideas or directions for actions for an hour or two, live.

On a regular XOOPS site we send a message, hope it stays on the top ten list on the front page long enough for thre relevant people to see it before it falls off the board, and then answer the response about an hour after we last posted.

My colleague and I are looking for something more immediate, something that can appeal to people that don't know what the acronym CMS stands for, something that brings people together specifically to learn from each other not justs on a specific topic. like say ghosts in Britain or hot rodding chevy novas, but on any topic in which others show interest.

These four or five people would set up meeting times for a virtual meeting (or real, whatever) and leanr from each other, beyond the limitations of delayed response systems inherent in a regular cms. Then imagine dozens of these little seminars being conducted everyday on various topics.

If we can develop something like that for this project we can promote its use for other cities (at lest in Japan) that are looking for similar solutions and each project working on XOOPS.

anyone seen anything like that in their travels? And of course I'm willing to learn from something that is not XOOPS based


"peer-interchange learning"
  • 2005/2/8 13:50

  • josecruz

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  • Posts: 68

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for lack of a better term the name I made up today as I was discussing with a colleague how to describe the type of exchange between CMS users that he and I were talking about.

You see he and I are involved in potentially creating a XOOPS-based community site for a major metropolitan Japanese city that wants to create something along the lines of a peer-exchange learning environment for the city's citizens.

Imagine if you will, a site where individuals can get together and set a meeting time where they can all sit together and using a set topic and set materials or online chat or VOIP conferencing (skype) go through a learning experience that does not necessarily have an immediate need for a "teacher" or "leader". Instead, all members would be encouraged to work together on an equal peer standing, working toward each other's learning (not an easy task in japan). All the appointment making, article posting, post and pre live seminar forum discussions could be handled by XOOPS, a custom module could be hacked together if necessary to facilitiate linking everyone through voip or chat. If a certain topic does need an especially informed mem ber of the seminar ("teacher") then that could be a requested option.

So my question to everyone is have you ever in your travels, in any language, seen a site that did something or anything like this? I can imagine that the friend finder and event scheduler modules I have seen before could be cobbled together to do something, but I thought I would ask the XOOPS community at large if any pioneers are out there that I could emulate and learn from.

Thanks everyone.


Re: cookies and sessions
  • 2004/7/21 23:57

  • josecruz

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  • Since: 2003/3/28

Thanks for the answer Mithrandir,

Sorry it took so long to get back to you. What exactly would your first suggestion of
adding the PHPSESSID to the url,

involve as a hack? What file would I be hacking? Please contact me privately if you feel that would be more efficient.


cookies and sessions
  • 2004/7/15 9:19

  • josecruz

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2003/3/28

Hi everyone,

I need a solution to getting a japanese cellular phone to work completely with XOOPS when the phones here will not accept cookies. I've asked around and have been told that it could be as simple as changing prefs in php.ini. Or perhaps it might involve a hack with php_session.

I would very much appreciate information on the topic, and paying for the solution is not out of the question.


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