Re: Xoops and XCGAL 1.1
  • 2005/10/30 8:55

  • HughG

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 124

  • Since: 2003/2/21

It was me - DOH!

Nevermind! I'll craw back over ----->

Thanks for the quick response tho Mith!
I have a PBS mind in an MTV world.....

Re: Xoops and XCGAL 1.1
  • 2005/10/29 15:33

  • HughG

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 124

  • Since: 2003/2/21


Mithrandir wrote:
Does non-batch work as it should?

Heya Mirth!

Yup! works (whew) - just the batch in the admin site.

When you go to the folder listed, it shows the pics already listed, but none of the new additions.

Again, not sure if it's me - or a residual of the patch.
I have a PBS mind in an MTV world.....

Xoops and XCGAL 1.1
  • 2005/10/29 2:24

  • HughG

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 124

  • Since: 2003/2/21

Anyone having problems doing batch picture additions since the patch?
I have a PBS mind in an MTV world.....

Re: 4thefort is down
  • 2004/6/30 16:24

  • HughG

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 124

  • Since: 2003/2/21

it'll be back up shortly. just doing some server maintenance

Re: I read it but -
  • 2004/6/3 7:07

  • HughG

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 124

  • Since: 2003/2/21

Adding to the Inbox requests -

When a user is removed/deleted, how about his PM's going too? I just removed a user and had to go in and manually remove all his PM's and Notifications.

Re: I read it but -
  • 2004/5/30 4:27

  • HughG

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 124

  • Since: 2003/2/21

Again, the items brought up are basic items found that seem to be either forgotten or is for some reason alien to xoops. More and more I'm finding myself longing for those aggressive get results days of onokazu.

Nothing special the peeps and webmasters are asking for, just common sense should of but somehow wasn't...

Autologin -
Inbox Size - (btw, how do you turn notifications off for forums?)
Forums - mark all read, easy way to see new posts, etc.,
Page Titles -

Firewall Issue - Granted peeps should be able to configure their firewalls, but if they did, would their be a need for ZAPro or Norton to be the way it is? We can be "right" all day long but if it keeps peeps out of the site - ?? Getting a peep to make the move to "sign up" is a feat in itself, make him/her jump through hoops to do it.... forget about it. How many times have we seen webmasters bitch'n because they had to sign up on a site to get a module?? A displayed message with walkthrough would be a step in the right direction - better than what there is now...

MOD Rewrite - Another plus to add. I really don't have trouble with the SE's crawling my site, but I do look at the logs and see when they get "confused" and make adjustments to point them back in the right direction... if it's something I want on Google the next day. I played around with the shorturl hack on my test box and it's no way I would put on a production site - too flaky (IMO). If Simple Page titles were provided (instead of "NEWS" or "SECTIONS" or "XCGALLERY" or "FORUM" for example)- everyone's SE ranks would go up. It would be nice to have that option tho, going through 500+MB a day logs to accomplish the same thing gets to be a pain.

Less things to shove the newcomers off to the wiki - or to the competition...

Re: I read it but -
  • 2004/5/29 23:33

  • HughG

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  • Since: 2003/2/21


Page titles!

Re: I read it but -
  • 2004/5/29 11:00

  • HughG

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 124

  • Since: 2003/2/21

Let's add the Firewall issue to the this list. Another basic asked about / seen frequently request.

Re: I read it but -
  • 2004/5/3 16:19

  • HughG

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 124

  • Since: 2003/2/21

Autologin works, but the point I was trying to convey in addition to the other itemes - is that the remember me/autologin in it's current state is a hack. A hack that you have to go in and do this/that etc to enable it. The forums are filled daily with some webmaster new to XOOPS asking how -> to be promptly shuffled off to the wiki.

If the current state is a security risk that prevents it from being enabled by default (I agree there should be a webmasters option to go in and disable it) vs going in and hacking core files everytime there's an update, then something needs attention - yes?

Avatars, yeah. I know - I've read prior posts of yours everytime this is brought up. Again, "option" i believe is the keyword here. As now, there is no option - except to watch the uploads directory grow - or tell users no avatars.... (we all know how fond Tom is of his - can you imagine telling him no ava?)

Just basic items - hoping they weren't lost in the shuffle.

Re: I read it but -
  • 2004/5/3 11:29

  • HughG

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 124

  • Since: 2003/2/21

Damn, prime example. This is the second writing - hit submit - "you don't have ...." (now third but i remembered to copy/paste this time!)

Good Info - appreciate it! But, back to the meat.

Yeah, I could hack the inbox - but I perfer to avoid hacking the core for obvious reasons. What I presented was what Webmasters/Users are asking for - things they find everywhere but at a ..... XOOPS site.

You're correct - Gaping my words, not yours. But if enabling the system to remember a user - something found across the board on other CMS/BB's - presents a security flaw in xoops, then? If a user asks a webmaster, "How come here or there or yahoo or blah blah blah can remember me, why can't you?" What ammo do we have to respond? Do we aknowledge that there is a flaw in XOOPS that prevents this? Is it a flaw? Users absolutley hate to relog. Users hate to have their sessions expire as they are posting.....

I could understand if the above things were a new concept, but they arent. They're basic features. These things have been around (avatar, inbox size, autologin, mark all read, new posts, etc) - for some time and can even be found in older CGI systems.

If part of the hindrance is that the devs/core personnel are not familar with what is going on with other CMS/BB's - I would be more than happy to toss up working copies for them to browse. Just name it!

Sorry that I'm trying to pin you guys down - you guys know me and know this is the first time I have ever posted anything along these lines. But again, I think these should be standard included in the core. Let's reserve Hacks for, well hacks. Again, if you guys need me to toss up the other CMS/BB's so you can see whats going on with the competition, just say the word!

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