Check the FAQ. There is one that explains how to do it with phpMyAdmin.
I checked on that particular message and it is defined in /language/english/global.php and the only place where it is used is in /include/functions.php in the function redirect_header.
There it pops up when the third parameter $message appears to be an empty string.
Problem here is that this redirect_header function is used all over in the files in XOOPS.
Mosttimes it has a fixed message,
redirect_header($redirect_page . '=' . $com_itemid . '&com_mode=' . $com_mode . '&com_order=' . $com_order . '#comment' . $newcid, 1, _CM_THANKSPOST);
but sometimes it is called like
redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . '/', 1, implode('
', $GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->getErrors()));
That makes me assuming that in that place no errors where registered on the xoopsSecurity object.
But what then the real problem is??