(Don't accept it as flame, or Joomla propaganda) :) Better interface, the devs listen to the community :) (dont know much about current devs <-> community, after the skalpa replacement) Layouts for each part of the component (very easy indeed), with tags, such as.
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5">
<td height="38" colspan="3" valign="top"><span style="font-size:13pt;">{file_pic} {file_title} {pic_is_new}{pic_is_hot}{pic_is_updated}span>td>
<td width="313" height="370" valign="top">{screenshot_begin}<a href="{screenshot}" rel="lightbox" > <img src="{thumbnail}" align="right" />a>{screenshot_end} {description_long}td>
<td width="23" valign="top">td>
<td width="150" valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-style:solid; border-width:thin; border-color:#CECECE; padding:5px;" bgcolor="#EFEFEF">
<td height="25" colspan="2" valign="top">
<p align="center" style="background-color:#CECECE; padding:2px;"><b>{details_block_title}b>p>
<td height="20" valign="top">{filesize_title}td>
<td valign="top" style="text-align:right;">{filesize_value}td>
<td height="20" valign="top">{hits_title}td>
<td valign="top" style="text-align:right;">{hits_value}td>
<td height="20" valign="top">{language_title}td>
<td valign="top" style="text-align:right;">{language_text}td>
<td height="20" valign="top">{license_title}td>
<td valign="top" style="text-align:right;">{license_text}td>
<td height="20" valign="top">{author_title}td>
<td valign="top" style="text-align:right;">{author_text}td>
<td height="20" valign="top">{author_url_title}td>
<td valign="top" style="text-align:right;">{author_url_text}td>
<td height="20" valign="top">{price_title}td>
<td valign="top" style="text-align:right;">{price_value}td>
<td height="20" valign="top">{created_date_title}td>
<td valign="top" style="text-align:right;">{created_date_value}td>
<td height="20" valign="top">{created_by_title}td>
<td valign="top" style="text-align:right;">{created_by_value}td>
<td height="20" valign="top">{modified_date_title}td>
<td valign="top" style="text-align:right;">{modified_date_value}td>
<td height="20" valign="top">{modified_by_title}td>
<td valign="top" style="text-align:right;">{modified_by_value}td>
<td height="103" colspan="2" align="center" valign="middle">
<p align="center"><font size="2">{url_download}font><br />{mirror_1} {mirror_2}p>td>
<td height="0">td>
Mirrors, screenshots (awful part of current wf-download - try to add 3 XOOPS themes with 1 screen (u can't add more then 1 shot) per theme... u will want to kill first author of the module after 2nd attempt :) Better protection from leechers, better file handler - u can upload 100,000 files via FTP, to refresh jDownloads, and then to add and write some description with ease or simply select all and publish :) from latest beta 1 to 10 columns for the files and folders and XOOPS atm only have few modules which dont have analogues for Joomla :) 1. CBB 3.08 and it's alternative, Kunena sux 2. WebLinks 1.9x - Joomla miss such extension 3. WebPhoto (by Happy Linux) - mmmm, probably Phoca Gallery 4. Herve News 1.5 or was 1.4 For my needs only CBB was missing, and that's why my forums are external - mybb based. And in the time I've created cmsbg.info, XOOPS 2.3 wasnt even stable (Also XOOPS themes are awful, but don't want to make this thread full with spam:) ) Oh and translation is easier
AUDIO DESC=Hear music during the image displayig.
AUDIO PATH=Audio path
AUDIO PATH DESC=Insert the path of a MP3 file to hear music during the image displayig. Use little files, mono and witha low bitrate (64kbps).
BACKGROUND GRADIENT CENTER=Background gradient center
BACKGROUND GRADIENT CENTER DESC=Hexadecimal color value of the stage background gradient center. Click on the text field to choose a color or write directly an hexadecimal color value (i.e. #333333).
BACKGROUND GRADIENT EDGE=Background gradient edge
BACKGROUND GRADIENT EDGE DESC=Hexadecimal color value of the stage background gradient edge. Click on the text field to choose a color or write directly an hexadecimal color value (i.e. #000000).
compared to all OOPSes
define("_X_XSOAP_SERVERS", "X-SOAP Servers");
define("_X_XSOAP_SERVERSDESC", "Put the X-Soap Services you wish to exchange with in the following format
ie. admin:adminpass@http://www.example.com/modules/xsoap/|...|...");
define("_X_XSOAP_SERVERSSUBMIT", "Send Sydnication");
define("_X_XSOAP_SERVERSSUBMITDESC", "This enables the ability for your X-Torrent to send Torrents via server pathways.");
define("_X_XSOAP_SERVERSRECIEVE", "Recieve Sydnication");
define("_X_XSOAP_SERVERSRECIEVEDESC", "This enables the ability for your x-soap to recieve Torrents via server pathways.");
define("_X_XSOAP_SERVERSEXCHANGE", "Server Exchange");
define("_X_XSOAP_SERVERSEXCHANGEDESC", "This enables the ability for your X-Torrent data off other Torrent servers with data exchange.");
define("_X_XSOAP_SERVERKEY", "Server Key");
Offtopic: For the time I can translate 2 extensions like jDownloads with 90k language files, I cant translate 1 XOOPS module (50k) bcz of (wont repeat myself) messy language files full of outdated strings, repeating strings in modinfo.php and admin.php and this 'define' :) jDownloads in RC will have and rating per folder/file, multiple file upload and 3rd party integration with Social extensions like CB and JomSocial