Re: Mobile Computing & XOOPS - Tested OK
  • 2009/5/26 16:05

  • frankblack

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 830

  • Since: 2005/6/13

Nice initiative, but XOOPS - I mean xoops.org - is not suitable for ALL mobile devices. Browse xoops.org with a PSP and you see: nearly nothing. But here is the bad implementation of the tabs to blame. So I have to take the laptop to bed.

Re: Mobile Computing & XOOPS - Tested OK

Well no xoops.org isn't really designed for mobile phone use, it is more designed for web browsers, I was more talking about XOOPS the software, if you see the diagram, there are a few steps like a theme design for mobiles we still have to use here..

Maybe we should set up mobile.xoops.org so people can check there private messages and forum posts.
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Re: Mobile Computing & XOOPS - Tested OK

Maybe we should set up mobile.xoops.org so people can check there private messages and forum posts.

Nice idea
Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: Mobile Computing & XOOPS - Tested OK
  • 2009/8/17 23:05

  • Xavier

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2004/5/12

Hi, seems that there's allways someone in XOOPS community one step beyond about any real world usage of our favourite tool

We've set-up some legacy modules for our users ; till now, those were mainly accessed via "normal" browsers on "normal" computers with "normal" internet connections, but we're now introducing 3G access directly from "pda-phones".

Obviously, this implies maintaining two sets of templates, best working on each kind of target browser and platform.

Which among those would you think should be the best road to go ?

1) new site : mobile.mysite.com
This implies maintaining two sites in parallel (groups, users, access rights, installed modules etc..) Seems to be lots of extra work for administrators (mainly myself i'm afraid...) Would multi-site XOOPS techniques help ?

2) detecting the browser window size or platform or even setting up a cookie to remember the current browser is supposed to be on a mobile device (just as current language)... and select the correct template in the php code : $xoopsOption['template_main'] = xxx
But this implies modifying the php code for each page ; could be simplified with some code in the module header adding a "m_" prefix on the template name but still a risk with "non home-made" modules ...

3) some clever idea based on xsl-style transformations concept ?

4) would it make sense to have some administration on XOOPS Admin side to modify XOOPS layout depending on target platform or format ?

Well, hope this will inspire some of you, dear XOOPS fans


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