XOOPS 2.6 - Modules Directory Table MySQL...

Hey Geekwright, since I last tried the XOOPS 2.6 install on my ubuntu desktop box which is what the code install examples and video should be in, IT WORKED!! so I will play with it later today when the sun goes down, this is only sun up threading... so what I think needs to be changed is the prefix_modules folder to the following as you still haven't yet addressed the planning documents in the [size=x-large]XOOPS Forum - XOOPS Documenting Team[/size] which was released before you where even in the show Richard!!

Currently this is the prefix_modules table

CREATE TABLE `xxx__modules` (
midsmallint(5unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
namevarchar(150NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
versionsmallint(5unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '100',
last_updateint(10unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
weightsmallint(3unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
isactivetinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
dirnamevarchar(25NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
hasmaintinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
hasadmintinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
hassearchtinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
hasconfigtinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
hascommentstinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
hasnotificationtinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`mid`),
KEY `hasmain` (`hasmain`),
KEY `hasadmin` (`hasadmin`),
KEY `hassearch` (`hassearch`),
KEY `hasnotification` (`hasnotification`),
KEY `dirname` (`dirname`),
KEY `name` (`name`(15)),
KEY `isactive` (`isactive`),
KEY `weight` (`weight`),
KEY `hascomments` (`hascomments`)

I think we need to update it too the followng at least:

CREATE TABLE `xxx__modules` (
midsmallint(5unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
typalenum('api','apps','modules','themes'NOT NULL DEFAULT 'modules',
namevarchar(150NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
versionsmallint(5unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '100',
last_updateint(10unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
weightsmallint(3unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
isactivetinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
dirnamevarchar(25NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
hasmaintinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
hasadmintinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
hassearchtinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
hasconfigtinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
hascommentstinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
hasnotificationtinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
hasfeedtinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
hasrewritetinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
categoriesint(22unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
topicsint(22unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
itemsint(22unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
deletedint(22unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
editsint(22unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
commentsint(22unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`mid`),
KEY `hasmain` (`hasmain`),
KEY `hasadmin` (`hasadmin`),
KEY `hassearch` (`hassearch`),
KEY `hasnotification` (`hasnotification`),
KEY `dirname` (`dirname`),
KEY `name` (`name`(15)),
KEY `isactive` (`isactive`),
KEY `weight` (`weight`),
KEY `hascomments` (`hascomments`)
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Re: Keeping time with ntp.snails.email

A great application for your own NTP Service bell, remember if you set up NTP, you can use it for your time source for your own PC + Router at home, by enabling on the firewall port 123...

Another Great Application is - ClockSync - for Android Mobile Phone see it here:-
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Re: Keeping time with ntp.snails.email

helps to also run:

sudo systemctl enable ntp

it will load it and make sure it running when it reboots

Keeping time with ntp.snails.email

hey Xoopstroupers, how are you all, if you didn't know in unix/linux you can specify the /etc/ntp.conf that effects the time retrieval of the server even without ntpd installed; if you want to install NTP Services and Server for example on ubuntu you run the following:

$ sudo apt-get install ntp -y
$ sudo ufw allow 123
$ sudo service ntp start

if you check http://ntp.snails.email you will then be able to add your service into the pooling with the form on there, the hostname needs to be pingable this is only if you install: ntp services

There is a script you can add to a cron to retrieve the detailed /etc/ntp.conf it is:-
## file: /var/replace-ntp.conf.sh
## CronJob:-
## */15 */4 * * * sh /var/replace-ntp.conf.sh
cd /tmp
-vf ntp.conf
wget http
if [ -"/tmp/ntp.conf" ]
-vf /etc/ntp.conf 
/tmp/ntp.conf /etc
-fv 0644 /etc/ntp.conf
" ntp.conf was returned empty or not existing! "
####################################################[ 2019-05-07 19.19, Tue, 17:10:21 ]######

You can also change your /etc/ntp.conf to list just as this with the Chronolabs Cooperative as the only pooling:-

pool 0.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 1.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 2.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 3.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 4.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 5.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 6.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 7.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 8.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 9.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 10.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 11.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 12.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 13.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 14.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 15.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 16.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 17.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 18.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 19.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 20.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 21.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 22.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 23.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 24.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 25.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 26.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 27.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 28.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 29.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 30.ntp.snails.email iburst
pool 31.ntp.snails.email iburst
server ntp.snails.email

You can also on your windows or macintosh in the control panel settings under time change the url to: ntp.snails.email!

Re: XOOPS as an MVC is not an XOO + OOP Classes/Include Structure would only be MVCPS.coop

The reason XOO + OOP is so popular with a /class /include structure in not only PHP, but c++, C Ansi, Perl, Java etc, is the code is transpositional and will become when routed external like on sourceforge.net into someone else gravity well meter maid; the language constructs for their systems, not many MVC do this they are earth specific!

Re: XOOPS Module Team ~ Need Face to Face Meetups!

You can always if you like join the Chronolabs Cooperative group, I am and would love too have more than a 2 handed horse in the code repositories for it!! Connect to my Skype so we can chat!

Re: XOOPS as an MVC is not an XOO + OOP Classes/Include Structure would only be MVCPS.coop

btw. Michael Beck All Abored the Choo Choo Express too newly founded land:~

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XOOPS as an MVC is not an XOO + OOP Classes/Include Structure would only be MVCPS.coop

Look I don't want to shunt the gun at the moment looking at the xoops engine 3.0, but if you ask me and I have a qualified master of science with RMIT with 2008 in IT, Physics + Psychology; ever started pushing for an MVC version of XOOPS which believe me isn't what you find still classically c++, c ansi, perl, java and other languages still follow it the XOO + OOP Structure of being a classes/including folder panagram...

XOOPS 2.6 is good but it still missing and should be written in now the structure is set the requirements in the XOOPS Documentation area for addition requirements for the library to support as well as the upgrade I wrote to convert the database entirely to INNODB to support database 'constraints' in mysql which is in the 2.5/2.6 forums recently by me topically, which increase speed exponentially of the database due to probability predictions in the structure it stores it in from them... Mamba has a copy in his gmail of mysql.sql with all the database root constraints set that need to be added to the upgrade when set in his gmail.com under my name if he searches - Simon Roberts!

It also needs it additional classes for reverse compatibility with XOOPS 2.5 and so on it essential it is an easily walk through and over without the composer call these files should be included only updatable with composer in the distribution master.zip.. Remember Richard, I have always remained off the XOOPS Council; even though I carry ID That would even allow me to list with the American XOOPS LLC as kinda like a moderator mediator cause of the co-relationship between the XOOPS Foundation + Chronolabs Cooperative generally using it for intranet and so on!

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I will remain an anonymous veto on what mamba keeps saying it has to be reverse compatible still and all the requirements like XOOPS Documentation met to complete XOOPS 2.6

Honestly if you branded a top end code library not backend library with XOOPS with an MVC route and so on not manually written by the system module as an extra plugin to the root .htaccess, then you would be consider as an XOO + OOP as an MVC as some sort of mental health escapee or day release about on the web!

Re: Install xoops 2.6 :: Endroid Installer did not detect a compatible project type

mynamesnot@marrickville:~/eclipse-workspace/xoopscore.localhostphp ~/composer.phar install

Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
Endroid Installer did not detect a compatible project type

mynamesnot@marrickville:~/eclipse-workspace/xoopscore.localhost/xoops_libphp composer.phar install

No composer.json in current directory, do you want to use the one at /home/mynamesnot/eclipse-workspace/xoopscore.localhost? [Y,n]? Y
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
Endroid Installer did not detect a compatible project type
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Re: Install xoops 2.6 :: install/page_dbconnection.php

After doing the composer which I think should be done for the client as part of the installation also the README.md needs to be written for Ubuntu/Debian..

Anyway as part of the installation I get to: install/page_dbconnection.php ~ and get the following error:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Doctrine\DBAL\Configuration' not found in /home/mynamesnot/eclipse-workspace/xoopscore.localhost/htdocs/install/include/functions.php:318 Stack trace: #0 /home/mynamesnot/eclipse-workspace/xoopscore.localhost/htdocs/install/page_dbconnection.php(95): getDbConnection('') #1 {main} thrown in /home/mynamesnot/eclipse-workspace/xoopscore.localhost/htdocs/install/include/functions.php on line 318

I am working on the PHP.ini settings module for system as well as the .htaccess route and API, btw. mamba I looked at those api guides you sent through, and graph is just based on facebook.com graph api and the other one is oauth, there will be later oauth methods, in the api, but I remember when I implemented them in the previous historical corridor, it destroyed oauth2 on twitter and a couple of places and completely collapsed, they are essentially still both REST API just with a control class anyway...
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