Hi all,
I use XOOPS and ArMS 4.0 module, in which I've just encountered a problem.
Till now I was the only person managing the content of articles, but now I added moderators.
I thought that a moderator would have permissions to activate articles (i.e. to make them visible for all). And indeed, for a mod user the icon of activation becomes clickable and it sends to the confirmation page.
But then, when moderators try to confirm, they get the info: you don't have permissions to do it. (I've translated all lang files long ago and I don't remember now the exact English version of the text, it could be slightly different) Anyway, it seems that moderators can't do what they should be able to do. Still I have to log in as an admin and activate their articles by myself.
Should I do something more than adding moderators at the ArMS adm. page? Should the persons be in the general XOOPS Moderators group?
Help, please, anyone!
I'd like to develop my site and I don't want to lose the people who wish to contribute...