What is the purpose of the Template editor in admin? It doesn't edit.
  • 2007/5/16 3:43

  • trspice

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 193

  • Since: 2007/3/24

I tried to edit the template files for modules using the admin 'Template Edit' but there is no submit button. What is the purpose of this feature? Is there a code to edit to enable this?
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Re: What is the purpose of the Template editor in admin? It doesn't edit.

by trspice on 2007/5/15 22:43:38 - I tried to edit the template files for modules using the admin 'Template Edit' but there is no submit button. What is the purpose of this feature? Is there a code to edit to enable this?
You CAN NOT edit the DEFAULT theme.
You MUST CLONE the template BEFORE you will get an edit button, then you can edit the clone.

I saw this, but I guess I didn't believe it because I even went into the MySQL and tried to edit from there. Again on the default theme and it just won't work that way.

Go to the admin/system/templates and make a clone for the default theme and you will be in business.

Good luck,
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Re: What is the purpose of the Template editor in admin? It doesn't edit.
  • 2007/5/16 4:10

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

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My recommended option is to use the Template Overriding technique instead of template cloning.

Re: What is the purpose of the Template editor in admin? It doesnt edit.
  • 2007/5/16 4:59

  • gestroud

  • Home away from home

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I could be wrong, but I think that trspice may not be asking about editing the default theme. I have a feeling that the question has more to do with editing module templates.

I tried to edit the template files for modules using the admin 'Template Edit' but there is no submit button.

I've always wondered the same thing about that feature, as well as the template editor that you can view when we work with blocks.

Re: What is the purpose of the Template editor in admin? It doesnt edit.
  • 2007/5/16 5:07

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

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  • Since: 2003/7/23

I could be wrong, but I think that trspice may not be asking about editing the default theme. I have a feeling that the question has more to do with editing module templates.

Template overriding is used to place an edited module template inside the themes folder and create your own "template set", it's not to do with the theme itself, it just keeps the templates in one accessible place inside the theme folder. I find it as a "safer" way to keep control over module template editing.

Also with the module XOOPSinfo you can keep track of which templates are being overridden.

Re: What is the purpose of the Template editor in admin? It doesnt edit.
  • 2007/5/16 7:23

  • MadFish

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You cannot edit the default template set through the admin interface. You have to clone it, and then edit the clone (and edit button is visible for the clone).

The idea is that if you mess up, you can always fall back onto the default set again.

Re: What is the purpose of the Template editor in admin? It doesnt edit.
  • 2007/6/7 19:29

  • mboyden

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There is also Option 3 - Use GIJoe's excellent System Administration module to manage and edit templates and template sets. This is what I setup for my clients and it has some advanced functionality to see where templates kick in and out if you're having a hard time finding it in the code.

I have a hard enough time getting clients to just put a single theme on their website, not to mention wanting to develop several, so that works for me. However, if you want to develop several working themes for your website, then I do recommend Option 2 with theme overriding.

Good luck.
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