The best contact module is certainly, and you will agree on that, Liaise in version 1.26 for XOOPS 2.0.x (Thanks: brandycoke.com).
Being enabled for guests, this module is vulnerable to spam. This can be quite annoying for the admin, because it gets literally bombed by spam.
But now there is a solution: XOOPS user @mclaines (also known for his galery module) took the captcha image of xcgal and included it in Liaise. Thank you very much!
To run this version of Liaise you have to have GD Library and Freetype enabled on your webpace, which will be in most of the cases.
To update the module, unzip the files and overwrite them on your webspace. Run upgrade2.php from your admin interface (.../liaise/admin/upgrade2.php).
(There is no upgrade needed when the module is installed for the first time.)