I have a client which is remote by several states. He has decided to upgrade his current static html business website pages to more dynamic functionality. He has many product pieces and is updating his graphics. He is a business owner and although he would like to learn more about things like php, html, ftp etc. etc. he does not have the time.
I am looking for a simple image manager with admintrative functions like the current core XOOPS image manager but with batch upload capability. Or something similar if it already exists. I could use xcgal and do for other purposes but the module I need for this purpose doesn't need to have all those wonderfull bells and whistles.
Categories with the photos going into a created category folder, Batch Upload of at a min. 5 pics - 10 pics, and Group Permissions, Upload Permisions, Viewing Permissions etc. like the core Image Manager.
I have searched but seem to only find batch upload included with modules to complex for this need.
Any ideas?