YAXS: GB PhotoSports - an example of eCommerce Solution made with XOOPS

Posted by: hervetOn 2007/2/7 11:30:00 8243 reads
INSTANT-ZERO, a specialist of eSolutions based on Open Source technologies, is happy to announce the launch of our last creation : GB Photosports.

This eCommerce website, available in french and in english is a site of sportives photos.

We have created this site for a photographer, Gilles Bouvier, professional photographer specialized in sportive events in relation with cars.

With the site, our client can :
- post his photos to sell them directly (via Paypal)
- to have informations about his customers, their details for example
- to communicate on his notebook etc

The modules used are Smartlangage, Smartsection, Sitemap, Extcal, Smartsection, Liaise, Mylinks, Multimenu and Marquee,

For the eCommerce solution, we made a custom development so that the client could display and promote the sell of his photos.

The module, wich is part of our eCommerce solutions for Xoops, can display an unlimited amount of photos while staying as simple as possible :
- You just have to drop (via FTP) your photos in a folder to see them online.
No need to use a database import or to submit the photos one by one.
- The module can organize the photos per category (sportive events) by using the folder's hierarchy
- The module has a specific search (search by car's number)
- You can use a caddy
- You can pay via Paypal
- And you can manage the shipping amounts and discounts

We hope that you will like the site.

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