good to hear from you.
My scenario is an opt-in situation. All members of our association get the newsletter. Many have asked for receiving it electronically. We could just tell everyone to go to the web site and sign up (opt in), of course, but we want a mechanism whereby we would not send the paper version to those who opt for the e-version. That will save us postage and will reduce the work load of our volunteers. That's why I was looking for a way to send to specific groups. My idea was that our members would be in one group or the other. The "other" would be the group from which we download names and addresses for mailing paper versions. My intention was that future new members would, at the time of joining, opt for one or the other method of distribution.
I will look forward to some method of attaching a file to the "cover email". I hope it comes soon.
Barry Cooper
Sweet Home, Oregon