Thanks a mil for all the replies...
@ Jensclas. This
FAQ by Carnuke which seems to identify the issue, basically that the admin id isn't recognized as part of group 1 (webmasters). As per Carnuke's FAQ. I did check in the MySQL db, which shows the user id set to group 1 and the sys admin module set to 1 also etc....theoretically, when I log in I should have access to admin.php page, but I don't.
@Bender. What I mean by treats me as anon user is that I can browse the site as if I'm not logged in, even after I log in and it says welcome admin. It recognizes the uname and p/w when I enter and submit them, "Thanks for logging in..." msg, redirects to index BUT the user menu is not there. I tried entering /admin.php into the address bar, I get the "don't have permission to access..." msg, even tho' I know I'm logged in!
@ Wizanda. Templates_c and cache folders both at 777, cookies are ON in browser and the install was NOT using custom cookies (was at default; 15 minutes expire I think). I did clean the files in cache folder, but not in templates_c folder, are you suggesting deleting those?
The other thing I can think of is that I'm using an older version of xcGal as the latest stated XOOPS 2.2x compatible (I couldn't find info on 2.0.14 compatible xcgallery module), It seemed to work fine after install and set up, created albums and groups, let me upload etc. Just wondering if this could be the cause?
Ok, think that covers it, thanks again, hope I can fix this I'd hate to start over and it would be good to know what caused this so we can avoid it in the future.