From another thread - the on the moderator team report:
Blue Stocking wrote :Quote:
Being a member of to many teams they do not accomplish ONE job well.
That has been my observation also.My wiki guy/gal has so many irons in the fire I have to sit around and wait until time can be found to work on the wiki.
I would rather be WORKING on something productive than posting on this thread. So would alot of others, that is why they set up their own XOOPS related site. We can't seem to accomplish anything here because the ones in charge have to many other things they are also in charge of.
I like EVERYBODY on this board, they just wear to many hats to do a job well and get the Kudos they deserve for doing that job.
A another BS opinion.
This was in the context of a getting the job done well discussion.
I am not the 'cause' of Bluestocking having to 'sit around and wait until time can be found to work on the wiki.' because I have too many 'irons in the fire'. I currently have one official job at XOOPS.org which is moderating. That's it. I have participated in doc writing and FAQ's in the past as time permits.
I have been asked to take on some leadership in seeing the wiki back up and running as Ana does not wish to have this responsibility. I cannot do this on my own and am relying on others and their skills to help me do this.
The closure of the wiki was not 'caused' by my having too many irons in the fire. It was 'caused' by matters I will not discuss here but rest assured it was not my decision to close it. It is being moved. This takes time. Please do not use it's closure as an opportunity for a dig at my ability to make personal contributions to the XOOPS community. I have been asked to do this. I have said I will. I respectfully request more patience and more respect from you for the fact that I have said I would. I have been honest with you about why there is a need to wait and made a statement about when I will be able to really get it happening.
Eagerly awaiting your new XoopsWiki.
I can also not call the wiki 'my' site. It is a site built by someone else out of love and possible future for XOOPS that is being handed to the XOOPS community. It was hosted and owned privately but now it's status in that regard is changing. the foundation has the site name and a generous xoopser is going to host it for free. I do not own it nor am I financially responsible for it. It is not mine to have, but it will become part of the work of the new communications team and as such I do not have the final say about how it will work. The communications team needs time to come together, to discuss it and to determine it's future. The communication's team is still gathering. This may take even more time than I have already suggested. (although I sincerely hope not)
It ultimately comes down to the leadership of TOM and the direction of the communications team.
So Blue Stocking please be patient. I appreciate you are itching to get started but I cannot make this move any faster than it already is. It does need to belong to the community, and therefore it comes under the scrutiny of the Communications team. I am a member of that new team so I can see the wiki to life, just as I have been invited to do. Right now my hands are as tied as yours.