Re: Surpasshosting... UPDATE
  • 2004/5/14 12:44

  • Aianda

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The file manager, which is part of CPanel allows for easy copying, deleting and moving of folders. Also, there is a backup facility for copying the root and all subfolders across to another server using FTP. Hence the data would bypass your personal computer and goes straight to the other server, wherever it may be. Coupled with the MySQL and email account backups, migration FROM Surpass should be easy, if the need arose.

Re: Surpasshosting... UPDATE
  • 2004/5/14 16:41

  • Stewdio

  • Community Support Member

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Aianda is absolutely right in this.

Once you are on a host that uses the cPanel environment, backups are simplified through the interface. The nice plus with cPanel is that moving from host to host is further simplified, by saving everything in one shot, moving to a new cPanel environment host and restoring a backup from your old site. Everything is intact; Spamassasin, email accounts, SQL DBs, user accounts, every configuration you made on the old host can moved to the new host. The only limitiation is time based on upload and download speeds while exporting or importing your backups. This is how I moved TO Surpass. It works both ways.

The one difference with Surpass is that they do not use Fantastico. They use an alternative called Scripta, which achieves the same thing without the problems that Fantastico creates. It's just as easy to use. Persoanlly, I only use these tools for a quick reference as to whats out there. I upload, install and configure the scripts myself to insure absolute full control and be sure I have the most recent versions.

This is an over simplified explanation, however, you won't be dissapointed. You can also set up CRON jobs through cPanel, so in a way you can automate just about everything if your real serious about it, including your backups. All you need to know are the commands needed to execute through CRON. Shell access is more or less a plus more then anything else. cPanel does away with shell with a nice front end that is powerfull enough for most common users.

In summary, you can perform your backups and have total control of your environment, it's just under a different, more user friendly guise

They have a money back guarantee, and go on a monthly rate if you desire. So, you could even set up an account with them for a month to give it a trial run. Heck, for 5 bucks I'd forgo the refund just for the test run. Try it, you'll see!

Re: Surpasshosting... UPDATE
  • 2004/5/19 6:39

  • frukto

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Thanx for good explanation. Indeed, sounds very interesting :)

Re: Surpasshosting... UPDATE
  • 2004/10/8 23:38

  • snowmaq

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  • Since: 2004/10/4

Very useful information. I'm looking for the host the sattle the thaixoop.net and may deciding for surpasshosting.
Thank for all

Re:Surpasshosting... UPDATE
  • 2004/10/9 0:44

  • m0nty

  • XOOPS is my life!

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yep :) i'm gonna be using surpass too once i've finished modifying and building my new site that's on a test server at mo.. gonna be a couple months tho yet, and i still need to buy a new domain name to go with it, as i had a big argument with my partner on my old site and decided to quit as he's an &$%hole and refuses to see reason when i say i don't wanna work in flash..

but all in all surpass have the best offerings and an unbeatable price to go with it, that i have ever seen :)

Re: Surpasshosting... UPDATE
  • 2004/10/9 3:05

  • tjnemez

  • Home away from home

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  • Since: 2003/9/21

i have been using surpass since june and its all been good. recently, they offered users a 10 gig increase in bandwidth for putting up a link to them. and if you could get a friend to do the same you can get another 10 gig increase.

Re: Surpasshosting... UPDATE
  • 2006/6/16 6:10

  • Housefly

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  • Since: 2005/3/29

Oh!!! I read this thread too late. Surpass tempts me alot. I bought DreamHost but Database is down most of the time or not responding. I don't think I can place my xoop sites there. Only textile files seems to work with DreamHost. After a year I hope to migrate to surpass, hopefully. Cpanel is the best webpanel I've seen and used.


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