Re: xoops_session table is empty
  • 2007/3/11 20:12

  • Stewdio

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 1560

  • Since: 2003/5/7 1

Sessions will get dropped after a while, depending on your timeout settings via general admin settings. Sometimes these add up over time and need to be cleared out.

These are safe to clear out at any time. I generaly have custom sessions off to keep sql usage low.

Clearing these tables will log off current users if you decide to do some house cleaning when your site is a little busy with user activity.

Your site's not broken and everything appears to working as intended
XOOPS Community Support

Re: Can No Longer Install Modules!
  • 2007/3/11 20:05

  • Stewdio

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 1560

  • Since: 2003/5/7 1

Log in through FTP, and delete any faulty modules as a starter. Log into your site and head ovder to module administration and verify that the modules don't show up on the bottom half of the page.

Upload a module for testing, and see if you get the same results. Try to make this one of the ones that failed on you. As soon as it installs, uninstall it to remove the tables it added to your Database. This is just for kicks at this stage. If it happens to work, your in luck. If not, well, you have to dig a little deeper.

Log into phpmyadmin through your site administration panel, this will either be Plesk or CPanel, depending on your hosting environment.

Back up your database.

Look for and delete any module tables that point to the faulty modules. Don't be afraid to browse around a bit, you won't harm anything. You will more then likely find the offending faulty module installation tables on the first page of your phpmyadmin page.

Check them off, and drop the tables. This will effectively uninstall your module. Go back to your FTP and delete the test module we did above if it's still failing.

Why all this is happening, I can't tell you. This is what I Would do if I were in your shoes and shouldn't take more then 10 or 15 minutes of your time.

Good Luck.
XOOPS Community Support

Re: New Install Successful - but can't add Modules
  • 2007/3/11 3:02

  • Stewdio

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 1560

  • Since: 2003/5/7 1

I odn't know anything about the moudule so I Can't say for sure what the problem is. I do know that you don't have to chmod anything except folders specified, usualy in a read.me file somewhere.

Could it be a compatibily issue with your version of XOOPS?

Group permissions set via the admin?

Maybe uninstall, delete. Clear template_c and cache folders, reupload, reactivate?

Could be as a simple as a corrupt file.

Dunno. Got any other details, or error messages you can share?
XOOPS Community Support

Re: Problems with autologin (Edit 11/3)
  • 2007/3/11 2:43

  • Stewdio

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 1560

  • Since: 2003/5/7 1

Did you replace the system block template file?

If so, clear /templates_c folder and refresh your browser.
XOOPS Community Support

Re: New Install Successful - but can't add Modules
  • 2007/3/11 2:40

  • Stewdio

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 1560

  • Since: 2003/5/7 1

I know this may seem like a stupid question, but you didn't uplkoad the .zip/.tar to your server did you? The system won't decompress the files for you if thats what you were thinking No worries, some systems do, this wasn't one doesn't

One other thing I can think of, is that you uploaded the wrong folder structure.

Depending on who packaged the module, you may have to go one level deeper, then upload the entire structure.

ModuleName_Version_2. (etc... you get the point)
----ModuleName <---- This could be the culprit
------ModuleName <--- Try this

Make sure you have xoops_version.php in the root of your module folder as well, thats one way to know that you have uploaded the correct structure.

I know I've stated the obvious, but I've missed some pretty dumb things in my time, so I know the first place to look when things just don't look right

Hope it helps some. If not, post back and let us know
XOOPS Community Support

Re: Xoops 2.3/2.4 or 3.0 update?
  • 2007/3/11 2:19

  • Stewdio

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 1560

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comflash2 wrote:
i believe why XOOPS looks dying slowly not because of active developer/contributor, but it because too many leecher. They want something from XOOPS but they won't contribute anything to XOOPS. Thats my point.

What the...


So, I talk here, from the LEECHER perspective (including me). Believe or not, leecher devided in to 2 groups, 1 is really happy to be a leecher forever, and another one want to go out from being leecher but need some help from YOU (active developer) to go out from leecher community.

I'm failing to grasp your concept of leecher and how it applies to the open source community at large.

No one here has been, currently is, or ever will be a "leecher". thats just not in the spirit of things.

Everyone is a user, and every user is a conrtibuter.

How are XOOPS users contributers? It's simple, "Just use it!"

Using the system, users familiarise themselves with many different aspects it presents. Be that simple user administration, adding a forum module to their own site, using a theme, or actually taking the bull by the horns and looking at the code to see how it works. Whether that bee a block, a module, template, or theme. Who cares. Everyone starts somewhere.

Many people in this community started off with nothing. Little knowlege of PHP, or mySQL. Many of those same so called "leechers" went on to carreers in code development because they used a system that is open to all for fair use and redistribution.

Some of the biggest contributers in the past started off knowing little more then what to put between < body > tags. WF-Modules and Smartfactory didn't appear out of thin air. Wolfcatz may be long gone, but there are still a great many people in this very community working hard on their own projects.

How can you come here and ask more of them when they are all busy trying to improve the very thing you critisize.


I believe, currently XOOPS lack of active contributor compared to joomla/drupal. Do you think I happy with this? myself is programmer. However, i only have little time to contribute, and i don't have time to read ALL XOOPS source code and try to understand how to use it.
not at all. I know i can contribute something, since i

Do you think your the only person here who has a lack of time to contribute? How incredibly hypocritical! I say it again, how can you come here and accuse others of not contributiong, when they are in the same position as you. Lack of time, resources, what have you.


I want to stress my point, believe it or not, the ROOT of most of XOOPS problem is lack of active contributor. If we want to IMPROVE XOOPS, we need to fix the ROOT problem, not the problem that born from the root.

Your no help. What? Complaining helps? Do something about it!


AND I BELIEVE we can fix this ROOT problem is by having GOOD documentation, including (have some but mostly not complete and outdated):

How dare you use the word "WE" when you have done nothing to contribute by your own admission. Excuses are nothing more then that.


1) List all XOOPS API and their usage (eg: with examples)
2) Have some tutorial, how to develop modules and using XOOPS API correctly
3) Step by step tutorial how to create template
4) Step by step how to install xoops, install module etc (xoops have it, but not updated)

You have suggestions. Great, keep them coming. There's nothing new here, people are aware of all this and from what I can tell are working to keep things updated and documented as best as they can.


You SHOULD'T aspect LEECHER like us to do that. We know nothing (or very minimal) about XOOPS.

Speak for yourself.


Thats why i HIGHLY recommend all active contributor to STOP all development (including modules) and CONCENTRATE for a few month to complete the documentation.

You have got to be kidding me!

You want all the documentation work done for you. You want everything spelled out for you step by step, so that you can attempt to make a contribution. You know what, nevermind...


I believe, when XOOPS have very good documentation, gradually leecher will upgrade themself become active contributor and the original active contributor can concentrate on CORE development, instead of BUSY with modules.

You have no idea how the many different areas around here work do you? Cut with the kyfe and put your fingers where your keyboard is.

XOOPS afterall is powered by you!
XOOPS Community Support

Re: XOOPS installation problem.
  • 2007/3/10 1:01

  • Stewdio

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 1560

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skenow wrote:
What happens if you now upgrade to 2.0.16?

I was just getting to that very same point. It also looks like a failed upload. You can try to reupload the file before you do a full upgrade, just for kicks.

Some FTP proggies ill add extra line space, or just corrupt files on upload. A good indicator is the filename in your error report. 50/50 shot, but I've saved myself many a hassle from just reupping a file.

And yes, after you have some fun, just upgrade your version of XOOPS to the most current for security and compatibilty reasons.

Let us know if you need any further assistance.
XOOPS Community Support

Re: Replace HTML site with XOOPS
  • 2007/3/7 1:04

  • Stewdio

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That seems to be a fairly common approach. One such way I see in use is to also make use of the Multimenu module to create those custom menus that won't quite display the way you want them to in another module for instance.

Sorry for the run-on sentence, I'm at work and on limited time.

Not a total solution, but something to keep in mind for pointing to those odd pages that don't quite fit in.
XOOPS Community Support

Re: How to insert google adsense in to an article?
  • 2007/3/7 0:58

  • Stewdio

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One solution I can think of, is to insert the code into a new table in the template itself.

This way, for every article or page you right, your ad will be displayed.

A common way I've seen this done is to have it displayed immediately after the spot a user is taken to after they click on more, for instance....

I hope that helps some.
XOOPS Community Support

Re: Upgrade of to 2.0.16 and newbb v. 1.0 to CBB 3.08
  • 2007/3/7 0:54

  • Stewdio

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 1560

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So long as your files and DB are backed up, just in case, I don't see you having an issue at all.

In fact, your a few versions ahead of me, so you have a little less patching to do then I did.

Good Luck!
XOOPS Community Support

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