New User Tweaking CBB templates
  • 2006/2/15 0:10

  • El_Tea

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2006/2/14

OK, I have a blank screen...nah just kidding. :) I installed CBB 2.32 in a clean install of XOOPS 2.2.3 and had a few issues. Here's some answers you'll probably ask me along the way seeing as I'm a noob to XOOPS and this is my first post:

a) I'm using the XMT theme.
b) "Update module template .html files from themes/your theme/templates directory?" is set to yes
c) When I make changes and the results aren't visible, I generally clear my browser's cache and delete all files in the templates_c directory.
d) I made a copy of the default template to work with and called it "edited". I set this template as the "Default Template Set".
e) The reason I'm editing templates at all was to remove some of the user information on the forums, ie: date joined. It was a little too cluttered for me and there's no option to turn that off.

Here's my questions:

1) Where do templates live? Once I made a copy of the default template I couldn't find a directory called "edited" within the XOOPS directory anywhere.

2) After I installed CBB (newbb?) I looked in the templates for the default template set for CBB. No problems. When I look at the same set for the "edited" templates I see four yellow entries that weren't in the default set:


Why are these here? More importantly, why are they here without any corresponding mention in the default template set? They all have an option beside them marked generate. Should I generate them?

3) In an effort to make a change to the template [see (e) above] I found the file I was looking for: newbb_thread.html. I edited the specific file from the "edited" template set copy that I had made earlier(d). I was able to remove the code that displays the date joined. I updated the template, and took all the actions in (c). No changes ever displayed. After multiple attempts, I finally found the file newbb_thread.html in \htdocs\xoops\modules\newbb\templates and opened it. There were no changes. So, I made the changes in Notepad and they showed up in Firefox. What am I doing wrong? I had thought I was doing it the "right" way to edit from within XOOPS, but I couldn't make it work!

4) CBB came with a file called newbb.css, and it didn't look like it belonged in the newbb path. What am I supossed to do with it? There is certainly a relation to (1).

All help is appreciated. I'm very thankful there is such a supportive community out there to help new XOOPS users.

El Tea

Re: New User Tweaking CBB templates

1. i think the reason why you see the modification after you modify the files in the template folder is that the template set is set to "default" and not the "edited" template that you cloned/edited. and the reason why you saw changes after modifying the actual file is that since "update module templates.." is set to yes. it recreates the the template data. for the default template. the template that you were using.

2. i think the .css files are ok. just generate the .html templates

3. the templates data is stored in the database.
CBB / LatestNews / Publisher / XM-Spotlight


Re: New User Tweaking CBB templates
  • 2006/3/21 15:17

  • synonym

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 10

  • Since: 2005/7/19

I am also trying to tweak newbb_thread.html

This time the set up is: CBB 2.2 file, in XOOPS 2.2.4

The problem I'm trying to overcome is that when veiwing the forum, the link to the poster's profile is in red, like all the other links on the site. The link in this situation however is on a blue heading background. Big no no for contrasting colours - it is so hard to read.

So I've played with creating a white class within my theme.css. But the coding for the links in the forum headings don't look like links that I know about:

<div class="comUserName"><{$topic_post.poster.link}></div>

Is there anyway I can change just these forum heading links to, say, white? I am I missing a trick in the theme.css? Or am I just not getting the code right for this line?

Any help would be great!

Re: New User Tweaking CBB templates
  • 2006/3/21 15:48

  • Mantooth

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 189

  • Since: 2004/11/2

hey buddy. i had almost the exact same problem with cbb except it had to do with the post count

here's what you should do...
go to newbb_thread.html

instead of
<div class="comUserName"><{$topic_post.poster.link}></div>

<div class="comUserName"><font color="#000000"><{$topic_post.poster.link}></font></div>

instead of #000000, enter whatever color you want.

if the change doesn't appear to take effect, make sure to clear out your templates_c directory. also, i'd change it in the template section in XOOPS and also the actual file in your web directory just to be sure.

I hate Mortal Kombat

Re: New User Tweaking CBB templates
  • 2006/3/22 10:26

  • synonym

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 10

  • Since: 2005/7/19

I've entered the font color tag as you suggested, via the XOOPS admin.

<div class="comUserName"><font color="#000000"><{$topic_post.poster.link}></font></div>

The change didn't appear to have worked in the forum.

So I emptied the templates_c folder.

I uploaded the altered html file to overwrite the default template set (but I'm not working off this template set...any clone sets are kept on the server - if I've got this right)

I have refreshed, closed it all down, recleared the tempate_c file whilst all is closed, reloaded. No change. They are still following my theme's style.css (but I thought inline coding takes precidence over style.css)

Any ideas?

Re: New User Tweaking CBB templates
  • 2006/3/22 16:05

  • Mantooth

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 189

  • Since: 2004/11/2

you should upload the new template file in your XOOPS admin for the template set that you're using and it should be recompiled. then, just to be sure, i would connect to the site via ftp and overwrite the old file with the new one on the actual webserver. after that, clear out templates_c and clear out your browser cache and then refresh your page. if you do all that, i don't see any way that the change won't take effect.

I hate Mortal Kombat


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