Time Issues
  • 2005/12/1 14:18

  • flaxy

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 47

  • Since: 2003/11/21

Okay guys, this is a new server and i have never had this promlem before, but the time is off by about 4 hours going foward. Example, a post was sumitted to the fourm at 9:00am this morning and it says 13:00 instead. I checked the time and timezone on the server and it's configured correctly, and I also checked the time on the MySQL server and it correct also. I don't know the command to check the time zone on the MySQL server, but I would assume its right as well. The timezone for both the server time and the default time are set to EST. Please HELP! I'm going crazy!

Re: Time Issues
  • 2005/12/1 14:35

  • knarf

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 12

  • Since: 2005/3/2 1

is the timezone of the user who is submitting the post correctly set. This is done within the userprofile.


Re: Time Issues
  • 2005/12/1 19:57

  • flaxy

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 47

  • Since: 2003/11/21

Not seeing the time zone feature. I'm loged in as the user and I'm looking at the extended profile -> Edit part and I'm not seeing it.

Re: Time Issues
  • 2005/12/1 22:28

  • Dave_L

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2277

  • Since: 2003/11/7

1) What is your XOOPS version?

2) Do you know how to examine the database tables directly, with phpMyAdmin or an equivalent?

Re: Time Issues

Hi, I'm having the same problem. I'm using 2.2.3 English version. From General Seettings menu, I checked Server timezone and Default timezone and both of them were correct but as flaxy is discribing the actual time on the side is about 4 hours ahead.

Any idea how to fix this? I'm not super great on PHP or SQL so detailed instructions would be great. Please help!

Re: Time Issues
  • 2006/1/4 22:13

  • Quest

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1034

  • Since: 2005/11/19

I am using 2.2.3a
I installed XFGuestbook today and noticed a time stamp problem too. My settings were working fine before and were set correctly in the the administration preferences. I tried to change the timezone offset in Extended Profile fields and that didn't work either.

The only thing that worked was changing my server timezone in the administration preferences. I messed around with it a couple of times and found the setting that brought the post in sink with the actual time. For example: It is correct at GMT -7:00 for the SERVER and GMT-5:00 for my default but I had to set the Server to GMT-2:00.

There must be something wrong in the code but I don't know what it is. Anyone know? It works fine for me now but I don't know if it will effect anything else and not in a good way. There has to be a more permanent and correct way to fix this problem.


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