phppp, rowd, I agree, that is something I forgot completely. The subdomains need to be looked at, all of them. I *think* I have access to the subdomains, but I'll make sure that they get changed soon.
This has nothing to do with XOOPS not being taken seriously or not, but everything with available resources. IMHO. AT the moment, I'm really busy with work and the preparations of my upcoming wedding. I put about 70% of my free time into XOOPS (used to be close to 90%). I don't have all the skills, and could really use some help. Mithrandir, Carnuke, Wtravel, Ackbarr all have taken part of the job, as had Predator.
I agree that things can be more open. But being more open requires good preparation, and some people tend to forget that (not pointing any fingers here!). The roadmaps have been in preparation for a while, and due to the lack of time from my side, could have been published earlier. The new organisation model (not proposal) will be published real soon, I really want to make this as clear as possible, so everyone understands how we are going to organise things. And my goal is that I can retire from managing the project, really. That everyone knows how to start initiatives within the collective project, how guidelines, rules and standards are set, how intra project decisions are made, how people can be held accountable (very important, I would have liked to have had Pred's feedback sooner, I really do care!), and how people get assigned tasks and privileges. That whole structure does not come falling from the sky. I have based this model on discussions with the community, feedback given, discussions with the President of the Apache Software Foundation, the MMBase Foundation and some of the leading members of the open source community,I have done research on open source project managemnent with failures as well as successes. And this is the area I do have skills in.
Anyways, it's going to be a lot more open then it's ever been (and as Skalpa has stated in his post, XOOPS has never been very open, ever), and it requires that people don't question everything that is being said or done, but trust that they do their part, so you can do yours. And that is what teamwork and a community is all about, collaborating to reach the goals of something bigger then yourself (and that goes especially for me!)