Anyone else receiving Chi/Japanese Junk mail lately ?
  • 2002/9/14 8:43

  • freeop

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 25

  • Since: 2002/4/12

This site and My XOOPS homepage site is the only place I publicize my XOOPS related email address..
One mail on yahoo and the other on my site... So I was wondering 2 things..

1. Has anyone else received them from h8h.com and some other unreadable address..

2. Can we install a poison pill module/hack for our members email addresses for email harvesters ?

If anyone else has gotten these please post as I am 99.8% positive they were collected from here...
Theres alot of poison pill scripts that feed these harvesters junk addresses, it would sure save alot of grief from registered members thinking the webmaster passed out their email addys as a thank you for registering... I'm hoping I'm wrong but this is 1 of 4 XOOPS sites my addys are on...

Ok Gathering a few Links Here...
Haven't Tested these but maybe they'll help or spark some ideas...

Php Spamkiller Script

Spam Script Explained ( Short Easy Reading )

Re: Anyone else receiving Chi/Japanese Junk mail lately ?
  • 2002/9/14 8:56

  • Xend

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2001/12/13

I have received mail from h8h.com, and i thing you have right, the address i received to, i only use here..

Re: Anyone else receiving Chi/Japanese Junk mail lately ?
  • 2002/9/14 10:25

  • Neon

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 138

  • Since: 2002/2/8 6

YES, I have been getting the same junk mail also, I thought it may have been when i registered on the Chinese XOOPS Support site because that was the only site of it's type that I have been to, I can not read it so I dont know who has sent it other than that same address.

Re: Anyone else receiving Chi/Japanese Junk mail lately ?
  • 2002/9/14 11:33

  • freeop

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 25

  • Since: 2002/4/12

Yeah.. I check my logs and no hits... I get junk mail to three email address since this morning...
Here I have a Yahoo messenger email and and Admin email from mysite listed here... The other XOOPS sites I tend to use a ziplip email account and I just found some mail in there this morning too.. So I guess someone is making rounds to XOOPS sites for fresh emails..

I found another site on apache and php about trapping and identifing the harvesters. Here at Apache and PHP vs. the Spambots

My site is just a play site I doubt I get anyone over there scanning.. But I'm gonna play with it to protect my main site.. I don't want 500-5000 people screaming at me thinking I sold their addys, esp when a mission statement guarantees I don't..

I think changing the mailto tags to a link would be the best alternative, however thats gonna require more than a hack I think... The harvesters can pull websites too, so if they pull the websites here they can use that list to extract email addys from the other XOOPS sites..

I was gonna slingshot 30,000 emails back to sender, but pulled back, hell some spammer is probably is just using the h8h.com as a cover to catch the slack... I hate to spam some guy for no reason... But if I catch him in my logs he toast.

It is something that needs to be address tho.. The above links can get us started until a better solution can be presented...

I'm just glad (sorry) I'm not the only one..

Re: Anyone else receiving Chi/Japanese Junk mail lately ?
  • 2002/9/14 12:21

  • Herko

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Same here, I also been getting a lot of strange mails, also from taiwan...


Re: Anyone else receiving Chi/Japanese Junk mail lately ?
  • 2002/9/14 13:26

  • Dougie

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  • Since: 2002/9/9 1

I too am experiencing a lot of mail from Japan China Taiwan etc.

What can be done about it

Re: Anyone else receiving Chi/Japanese Junk mail lately ?
  • 2002/9/14 14:53

  • w4z004

  • XOOPS Advisor

  • Posts: 340

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I go to investigate...

me too are received spam mail but how i;m ever receive sam in hotmail i;m say more spam....

But now are thinking and i say... how receive mails in tw or japanesse if i can;t read japanese and never are registered in a asian country...

I go to investigate,

Re: Anyone else receiving Chi/Japanese Junk mail lately ?
  • 2002/9/14 15:02

  • mike

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  • Since: 2002/2/3 1

The script works but the message on the site states: "This little script will spit out a never-ending list of fake email addresses for spambots to choke on. It will fill their memory up before they can get any real addresses off of your web site"

It's the never ending part which worries me - after executing the script I noticed it grabbed over 50% of the cpu resources on my testbox...

So maybe it's better to use a static spam bait instead.

Re: Anyone else receiving Chi/Japanese Junk mail lately ?
  • 2002/9/14 16:21

  • destrux

  • Moderator

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  • Since: 2002/6/3 1

Yep, I'm getting alot of that same stuff :(. It tends to get annoying rather fast. To be honest though I never thought about any link of it to XOOPS websites. Seems like maybe somebody is doing some heavy scanning.

Re: Anyone else receiving Chi/Japanese Junk mail lately ?

I've been getting them too... started a week or so ago...


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