Yeah.. I check my logs and no hits... I get junk mail to three email address since this morning...
Here I have a Yahoo messenger email and and Admin email from mysite listed here... The other XOOPS sites I tend to use a ziplip email account and I just found some mail in there this morning too.. So I guess someone is making rounds to XOOPS sites for fresh emails..
I found another site on apache and php about trapping and identifing the harvesters. Here at
Apache and PHP vs. the SpambotsMy site is just a play site I doubt I get anyone over there scanning.. But I'm gonna play with it to protect my main site.. I don't want 500-5000 people screaming at me thinking I sold their addys, esp when a mission statement guarantees I don't..
I think changing the mailto tags to a link would be the best alternative, however thats gonna require more than a hack I think... The harvesters can pull websites too, so if they pull the websites here they can use that list to extract email addys from the other XOOPS sites..
I was gonna slingshot 30,000 emails back to sender, but pulled back, hell some spammer is probably is just using the h8h.com as a cover to catch the slack... I hate to spam some guy for no reason...

But if I catch him in my logs he toast.
It is something that needs to be address tho.. The above links can get us started until a better solution can be presented...
I'm just glad (sorry) I'm not the only one..