Re: Security Flaw in CBB 3.X?

Thanks so much for the help, it is much appreciated!

Security Flaw in CBB 3.X?

I have been having alot of trouble with people uploading files to the uploads/newbb/thumbnails folder. Is there an updated version to CBB? It seems that they were uploading PHISHING files via CBB. Any help would be wonderful.

Re: Locate IP of user

I created used a few lines of script that capture the ip and store it in their user profile as a last known ip field.

Re: Working on an AJAX validation registration form and other updates....

There are some problems with the way that it is viewed in IE, so I will try and combat those tonight. For now if you view it, its best viewed in Firefox.

Re: Working on an AJAX validation registration form and other updates....

Cool, thanks, what browser did you view that in?


Ok all,

Yesterday I posted about the progress of the registration page for my BF2Online.com site. I have an update for you. All XOOPS checking is now done prior to submission. Password strength can now be checked via an integrated password strength checker. I am still working on a way to get the actual password field to pass the value to the iframe box, but I am getting closer on that aspect of this upgrade.

Here is a screenshot of the progress.

Resized Image

Give it a whirl and let me know what you guys think.


Re: Acojonante

Thanks all,

One thing that I didn't include in the post was a direct link to the registration page.


You can play with it there.

The original AJAX script can be found here.

I will keep working on the script over the course of the next few days. It really isn't that complicated to integrate. I think what I would like to see happen is make it so that the script will enable or disable certain form elements, such as the submit button based on the criteria that is needed to complete the registration form successfully. The criteria being:
1. the username meets the complexity requirements established by the site owner
2. the username isn't taken
3. The passwords meet the complexity requirements established by the site owner.
4. The passwords are the same
5. The email hasn't been used in a registration prior to current user registration.

If all those items are met, the submit button is enabled. So, as you can now see there is some work yet to be done.

Anyway, thats all I have for now.

Working on an AJAX validation registration form and other updates....

Hey all,

Its been a few... caugh... months since my last post, but here is an update on a few things that I have been working on. Of course my BF2Online.com site is one site that I have going right now that has been an evolving creation since its initial inception. The main improvement that I have made to this site is the user info page. If you haven't ever looked at my user info on that site, please give it a go, its a HEAVILY modified version of the userinfo page along with quite a few other custom modifications to the core files to get it to work the way it does. I incorporated flash graphs for statistics tracking, and a custom template file that handles all of the front end stuff. I also added a custom buddy tracker, so that you can track friends that are members on the site. There are many many features that were created for this particular function of the site.

Here is a small preview of the userinfo section,
Resized Image

but you can see it in action here.

The newest portion of the site that I am currently working on is the registration form. I found a nice little AJAX validation script and wanted to incorporate it into the registration section of my site.

Here is what I came up with:
Resized Image

Resized Image

The register page is tied directly to the XOOPS database, and it checks the xoops_user table to see if the username is taken or not. I am trying to get it to where it uses the same name, email and password checking as the original registration page does that way it is as secure as the original page. Right now it is more of pre-check than anything. After I am done, it will prevent mistakes from happening.

Let me know what you guys think.

Re: Menu Creation

What I would do is clone your theme, and then try it. Do that first. Work on the cloned theme. Activate the block that allows you to choose the themes so that you can view your changes. As far as the coding goes, some times its much easier to just hard code the html in the theme.html file. That and it looks more uniform.

Re: News / CBB integration?

I think it would be sweet if there was some sort of one button solution. Maybe make it so that people can choose that option in the settings of the news to allow that field to be chosen. The option for linking posts to forums. Have it make a simple post in the forums with the title of the news post and who posted it and allow the user to choose the topic area they want the news topic posted in. Or maybe better yet, assign the topics for the news a particular forum to post in if that option checked.

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