Upgrade of to 2.0.16 and newbb v. 1.0 to CBB 3.08
  • 2007/3/6 18:20

  • Quest

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1034

  • Since: 2005/11/19

I have a friend who needs to upgrade from XOOPS to 2.0.16. Does anyone have any experience with upgrading from to 2.0.16? Were there any problems?

The other thing is they have been using newbb v. 1.00 and in order to bring them into more current XOOPS and module operation would like to upgrade the Newbb.
Is it possible to do without loosing all the posts from the earlier version? Can the newer CBB 3.08 be populated with the data from the older/earlier newbb version?

I have searched and tried to decipher things but have gotten really stumped and confused among the numerous posts and information. Desperately wanting to upgrade for this friend before it's to late.


Re: Upgrade of to 2.0.16 and newbb v. 1.0 to CBB 3.08
  • 2007/3/6 19:04

  • Stewdio

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 1560

  • Since: 2003/5/7 1

I recently did the excact same thing, except I went 2.0.10 to 2.o.16.

Not one single issue.

I upgraded newwbb to CBB, and upgraded the news module as well.

Each went without fail.

Start with your XOOPS core updates as outlined in the upgrade path.

Do the same for each module, one step at a time, as each module specifies for their respective upgrades.

Of course, download everything off your server for a backup, and also back up your data base.

Remember not to overwrite your mainfile.php

Good Luck!
XOOPS Community Support

Re: Upgrade of to 2.0.16 and newbb v. 1.0 to CBB 3.08
  • 2007/3/6 19:51

  • Quest

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1034

  • Since: 2005/11/19

Thanks for the reply Stewdio. Not one hitch huh :) That's great! I'll let you know how it goes.


Re: Upgrade of to 2.0.16 and newbb v. 1.0 to CBB 3.08
  • 2007/3/7 0:54

  • Stewdio

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 1560

  • Since: 2003/5/7 1

So long as your files and DB are backed up, just in case, I don't see you having an issue at all.

In fact, your a few versions ahead of me, so you have a little less patching to do then I did.

Good Luck!
XOOPS Community Support

Re: Upgrade of to 2.0.16 and newbb v. 1.0 to CBB 3.08
  • 2007/3/11 13:31

  • Quest

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1034

  • Since: 2005/11/19

I forgot to get back to you. Thanks Stewdio, the XOOPS upgrade went as you said, very smooth indeed.

Thanks xoops.org and the developement team(s)!


Re: Upgrade of to 2.0.16 and newbb v. 1.0 to CBB 3.08
  • 2007/6/20 20:55

  • Sebastian

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 23

  • Since: 2004/11/25

Hi all,

well, the nice gentlemen from Turkey dropped me a reminder that I should upgrade my two sites ASAP.

I am currently running XOOPS , target is 2.0.16

How do I proceed with the upgrade?

I have found nothing except this:

2.0.16 release

So far I have downloaded the 2.0.16 zip, and followed the readme.txt in xoops-2.0.16\xoops-2.0.16\upgrade

I have done the following:
- Unzip the package - CHECK
- Upload the *CONTENT* of the htdocs directory to your XOOPS root directory - CHECK, overwritten original files
- Upload the upgrade *FOLDER* inside your XOOPS root directory - CHECK
- Login as an administrator - Ah, but I can no longer access my site, it redirects me to the instal script!
- Point your browser : /upgrade/ - Message is: The requested URL /upgrade/install/index.php was not found on this server.

Do I need to perform the install script again? I tried, mae mainfile writable etc. but it won't complete as the database tables already exist!

How do I proceed, I tried searching, but can't find a detailed procedure

EDIT: Sorry, found it! https://xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=3509&page=1


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